Chapter 19

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Hood on the head, Ellie managed to force the key hole of her front door unnoticed. It was dark outside, the middle of the night, when she got back in New York. Of course she let the car kilometers away from Brooklyn. She didn't want to risk getting caught.

Once she finally managed to enter her apartment, she closed the door and slid down to the floor. She was back home, but what now? Could she even call this appartement that was formally used for the mission HYDRA gave her home? She had no assurance Bucky was in New York. And she could show up at the Avengers Tower. Bucky was a trained soldier, finding him wouldn't be easy. It would be impossible even. Especially when she had no means to find him. She did have a lot of contacts in different field of work. But using them meant being discovered by HYDRA and having killers on her trails. She didn't want that right now.

The more she thought of it, the more she was starting to lose hope. If Bucky really wasn't here in New York, what would she do? After what she did, she couldn't return to HYDRA. And she didn't want to. And after what she did under HYDRA, she could aspire to a normal life. All she knew was the battlefield. She couldn't do anything else. No police, nor army would would ever accept her. It was just out of reach, not even imagibable. There could be medecine. She did study it. But no one would ever accept her. She had too much blood on her hands.

Ellie sighed and ran a hand in her hair. She closed her eyes but then stood up. She must do something, anything. She shouldn't give up, she shouldn't lose hope. She had to do something, anything. Ellie went to her bedroom. She pushed her bed and kneeled down. She took her bag and grabbed a knife. With the blade, she opened a trap in the floor. A sport bag was in the secret compartment. If someone would have break in, her important belongings were there, hidden from the robber (or the police). Money was in the bag. HYDRA gave it to her before leaving for the mission. Just enough for living. And at the bottom of the secret compartment was a box. Ellie took it and opened it. It was full of files. Files about the network of HYDRA agent in the US. She created them bu memory, it contained only the informations she knew. She thought it would be useful in time of need. If something happen then she could call them. There were doctors, professors, politicians, and more. But now, they were useless to her. She couldn't go to them.

As she looked through the files, one caught her eyes. The Winter Soldier's. There were basic informations such as his gender and affiliation. His abilities were also listed as well as the type of mission he would usually do, his facility, and a few informations about his time in the war. There was also a couple of other informations about who was at the head of the Siberian facility, or about Arnim Zola, or even about the missions he did. Photos came with the file. Ellie took them all and headed to the kitchen. This file was one more proof against Bucky. So she took a lighter and burnt it. She watched the paper becoming aches in the bin. She was supposed to kill him. And here she was, protecting him.

Ellie sighed and looked around. Empty. After she got arrested by the Avengers, the Grim Reaper must have gone to her appartement to erase any sign of Ellie's existence. He had missed the files and the money. But everything else, weapons, clothes, all gone. There was nothing left. Everything was empty. Just like her. No ideology to believe in, no purpose, nothing to fight for.

She couldn't even stay in Staten Island. No one was supposed to live in this appartement. If she was seen, it would be strange. It would arise questions and attention. She must leave. But where? Nowhere was safe for her. And she had nowhere else to go. She had no home. Nothing.

Ellie shook the thought away and headed back to her bed room. For now, she would be resting. She was exhausted. She just woke up in the shore after an atomic explosion, then stole clothed, a car, and drove nine hours back to New York. For the moment, she just wanted to sleep. Her body needed rest and regain its strength. She would put everything on pause for the moment. Worries, questions, doubts. Everything would put on hold and would be dealt with the upcoming day. For now, she just lied on the bed and almost instantly fell asleep.

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