Chapter 17

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"-llie... Ellie... Ellie!"

Ellie groaned and opened her eyes. She blinked a few time, letting the time for her eyes to adjust. As the blur finally faded away, she really she was lied on the ground, Bucky holding her in his arms.

"Bucky...?" She asked, quite disoriented.

"Are you okay?" He asked, softly caressing her cheek.

Ellie didn't answer right away. She was searching hard in her mind, looking for information and trying to understand what happened. Then it was as if a wave of memories washed upon her. The memories of her talk with the Grim Reaper, the arrival of the Avengers and her fight with Bucky. Ellie sat and faced Bucky. She noticed the bruised on his face and the dried blood at the corner of his mouth. Ellie gently cupped his face with her hand and frenetically looking at his wounds.

"I-I'm sorry- I didn't meant to-"

"It's okay," Bucky reassured, placing his hand on her face too. Bucky pressed his forehead on Ellie's. "You're back, it's what matters,"

Ellie closed her eyes, enjoying the comfortable aura and sense of home Bucky was providing her. It was as if everything was in place. Even though she wouldn't have mind staying more, they have a terrorist and anti-freedom organization to stop.

"Let's put an end to all of this," Ellie breathed.

Bucky nodded and the two of them stood up.

The timer to the bomb was close to one minutes. Natasha and Sam were fighting HYDRA agents. They were coming from everywhere. Steve was the closest to the bomb but the Grim Reaper wasn't someone you beat easily. Steve was overpowering but the Grim Reaper wouldn't give up.

Bucky went to fight along with Natasha and Sam and Ellie dashed to Steve. The Grim Reaper was about to punch him when Ellie arrived and kneeled out of the way, surprising him and Steve.

"It was about time," Steve joked.

Ellie slightly smiled as the Grim Reaper's face twisting in anger. He seemed to not like Ellie's treason again. But she didn't let him the time react that she rushed to him and circular kicked him across the face. Captain then arrived hit him with his shield on the stomach living the time to Ellie punch him. But the Reaper block her blow and kicked her out of the way. He tried to hit Captain but the hero blocked the blow with his shield. He then threw it, confusing the Reaper. But then, the villain felt a sharp pain in his back. Ellie hit him again with the shield then passed it to Captain. They kept passing each other the shield to attack the Grim Reaper so fast he couldn't have the time to react.

But then, Ellie felt a pain stronger than she ever felt as she was sent flying backwards. She coughed as hardly stood up. Looking up, Steve was also standing up from the ground, looking confused. Then, Ellie spotted the Grim Reaper letting go of another vial. He must have used another shot of serum to enhance his abilities even more. This was complicating the situation even more. The timer was under one minute. They were running out of time. Nobody would have had the time to leave. And the people living near the docks would all die. And the Grim Reaper was blocking the way to the bomb. Many people would die..She couldn't let that happen. She had to stop it. She was the one who got the uranium rods, she had to be the one who prevent such a catastrophe. She started it, she would end it. Ellie's ocean blue eyes then caught sight of the Avengers Quin jet not far from where she was.

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