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Ghosts are the spirits of the deads. They are spirits that rise to the sky and find an eternal peace. But not all ghosts are good. Sometimes when they aren't done with the living world, they return from the afterlife. Sometimes, when they think they left too early and that they were things undone, they return from the afterlife to seek revenge. These spirits want to punish those who once hurt them. But their anger was nothing compared with the wrath of the gods. People learn to beware of the ghosts.

But they should have learned to beware of the Nemesis.

She was going down to Earth. She was vengeance. She was an omen of death.


Ellie felt like a feather. She felt light. She felt weightless. She felt like floating. She was feeling nothing around her. There was nothing. No wind, no sound, no floor, no sky. It was so silent she thought her ears weren't working. It was just an endless void. It was just an endless sea of black. There was no end, no start, just darkness.

She wondered where she was. She was councious, she was tangible as she felt her body. She felt her heart beating, her chest going up and down as the air was filling ber lungs. She felt her head turning as she moved to look around, or her eyelids collided as she blinked. She felt her hair against her face, and her clothes on her skins. She was alive, she was living. But she was nowhere. She wasn't on Earth. She wasn't in space. Was she in a space between? Was she at the front door of death?

The everlasting silence suddenly break when sounds of wings resonating everywhere in the place. It was echoing, coming from everywhere. Ellie couldn't make out where the sound came from. It was as if it was everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

She then suddenly felt a gust of wing flying past her with a soft brush on her cheek. As she looked up, Ellie was met with a jet black bird. It was large and long, maybe a bit more than fifty centimenter long. Its beak was thick and curvy. And its eyes were as black as its silk feathers. There was no ounce of color on any millimeter of the bird. It was all black. As black as darkness. It was a raven.

Ellie looked at the jet black raven. She stared straight into its eyes. It was strange. Ellie felt like a connection with the raven on a spiritual level. She felt as if it could understand her. She saw herself in it.

The bird then slightly tilted its head on the side, not looking away from Ellie. It was aware of her. Its eyes were piercing through her. She felt as if there was some kind of consciousness, of intelligence in the bird. She felt as if it was reading her, studying her, analysing her. She felt a bond.

The raven then suddenly spread its large wings and flew high. Ellie's eyes followed it as its rose, swirling, into the sky, into a shimmering and growing light.

Ellie suddenly opened her eyes as she gasped for air. She blinked a few time, letting to her eyes a time to adjust. It took her a moment to realise and understand where she was. The sound of the wave coming back and forth could be heard. It was soothing her, reassuring her. Ellie sat up took a sight of her surroundings. She was on a shore, soaked in water. Her hair was sticking on her face, dripping with drops of water. Her overall suit was sticking uncomfortably to her skin. The fresh breeze was making her cold. But it wasn't bothering her. It was actually the least of her worries. All she had in mind was that dream. What was it?


After thinking about it a lot, I've decided to merge the second book of this story in this one. So this story is not over yet. There are plenty of chapters that await you!

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