Saying "no" was difficult, so Alexandra followed him into the small patch of woods that bordered the grounds, still sniffing. But her thoughts were far from being on Master George. She was suddenly feeling mildly disappointed with herself, for having lived up to Betty's expectations... proving her right, when she had said, see him once, then we'll see who likes him.

Too bad, it had to be him. Somebody more reachable, from the Council - from anywhere, but somebody more common - more achievable.

Like it has ever happened that way, Alexandra thought, bitterly, people keep liking people whom they can't have.

'You should read this,' Liam said, stopping as they entered into the woods and extending an old, thin piece of parchment to Alexandra, who took it and unfolded it carefully.

She immediately recognized Master George's handwriting. The very first line said,

To the future Head of Espionage Council

Alexandra didn't read further.

'I'm not the future Head of Council.' She said plainly, folding it back.

'But you will be.'

'No - we are having no Head. As far as we can put it off - no. We'll manage without one.'

'As far as you can put off,' Liam repeated, 'But you can't put it off forever. Things need to move on. Still,' he continued, 'let's wait and watch.'

'Do I take that as a challenge?' Alexandra asked, mildly cheered up.

'Most certainly.' Liam assured her, with a small, lopsided grin. Alexandra wondered how old he was... thirty five? Because Liam looked seriously ravishing to her, and it was not only his eyes. The previous discomposure was forgotten, and they settled upon talking on, walking through the woods. 'I was a little taken aback then, but I really don't have any plans of wedding or engagement. Not anytime too soon.'

And since the topic had already landed her into a sticky spot, Alexandra decided to drop it.

'That is just as well, but how did the busiest man on the planet find time today?' She asked, keeping her thoughts as far from her teacher as possible, so that her eyes did not brim up.

'He made some.'

Alexandra smiled, she wondered why everything about him appeared so praiseworthy all of a sudden. 'I don't like Doveland.' She began, 'It is better than Losiane, but I don't like it.'

'You need not return there.' He offered, and looked like he wanted to say more - but did not.

'No, I will.'

The third instance of stubbornness she had portrayed, but this one was the best. Liam broke into a grin and had opened his mouth to say something, when-

'Mabel?' Paul's voice asked, through the woods. Alexandra's eyes widened. Liam mouthed curse it, and she pitied him for the secrecy needed in his own land. In a moment, he disappeared behind the dense woods, no time for farewells. About half a minute later, Paul came into view-

'Oh - there you are,' he muttered, walking up to her. For a second, none of them spoke - Master George's topic lying between them like fragile glass.

'Fannel was looking for you,' Paul then said, abruptly.

'Oh- okay, I'll be there.' Alexandra replied, looking behind him - if there was anybody else too, thankfully - no one.

'What were you - doing here?'

'I-' Alexandra began, 'I thought a little walk would do me good.'

'Right...' Paul said, he did not look like himself, his eyes darting to corners, 'Er- Mabel,'

The Exiled GemNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ