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Author's POV

With hearts beating rapidly, frantic footsteps, and thoughts blurred.

Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung....was the only thing running across their minds.

"HOSEOK!" Jungkook yelled, as he barged in the royal clinic searching for a particular doctor. Jimin on the other hand was carrying Taehyung, worried for the other.

"Goodness! What happened?!" A good looking male stood up from his office chair.

"Your highness, please place him on the bed." He continued as he rushed to Taehyung's side.

"Please give the patient and doctor Hoseok space prince Jungkook and Sir Jimin." A nurse guided them outside.

"But-" Jimin tried to protest but a hand was placed on his shoulder by non other than Jin who looked just as worried as they are.

"Taehyung is in great hands. Hoseok is an excellent doctor so don't worry." He assured the silver haired male.

"H-hyung's right, let's wait for tae. Everything is goi-ng to be okay." Jungkook's voice cracked as tears streamed down his face making Jimin loose control of his emotions as well and cried with the other on the floor.

Seokjin looked at them with sad eyes as he also felt his eyes dampen but he held it in. He has to stay strong for them. The eldest then kneeled down and hugged both the crying males.

2 hour later~

The royal family as well as Namjoon and Yoongi was gathered outside the clinic waiting for good news. Jimin and Jungkook by now stopped crying but it was still prominent that they had wept in worry.

Waiting felt like forever for all of them. They already grew attached to the adorable silver haired male. A cluster of emotions running through their veins: Anger, worry and sadness.

The sound of the door opening made everyone perk up from their seats.
"Taehyung is fine now your graces. His majesty experienced too much stress and shock making him fall unconcious as it was too much for him to handle. Regarding the arrow, upon inspection, it luckily hit the pendant that the prince was wearing, thus, making the arrow strike more shallow and only cause minor damage."

The doctor looked at them with bright eyes and smiled at them warmly making them at ease, knowing that everything was fine— Taehyung was fine.

"The pendant that you gave to Taehyung saved him, Kook." Jimin looked at Jungkook who looked surprised yet happy and relieved.

"The p-pendant saved h-him." The latter smiled, looking at the clinic door where Taehyung was as tears escaped his eyes.

(Remember the pendant that Jungkook gave to Taehyung on the previous chapter "The Art of Simping")

"Can we see him now doctor?" Said Jimin as he wrapped an arm around the dark haired male.

"Ofcourse. He's now awake and waiting for the both of you." The doctor bowed and left them alone, eyeing his mate, Yoongi, in the process.

Jimin and Jungkook rushed to Taehyung's room and went beside him immidiately. On the other hand, the others stayed and didn't follow the two males to give them time with their lover. They were already satisfied hearing that the pretty male was fine.

"Kookie, Chim." The youngest looked at them with soft eyes as he places his palms on his mates' cheek. Both dominant males leaned on the gentle touch.

"Does it hurt anywhere baby?" Jimin asked and the beauty shook his head and smiled, "I'm okay now!"

Although the petite boy assured them that he was okay, both Jimin and Jungkook still noticed the bandage wrapped around his chest where a small patch of blood was visible. They can't help but to feel angry and dissapointed in themselves because they failed to protect their mate. They can't help what they're feeling, the thought of loosing Taehyung alone kills them.

"We were so worried my love. If something ever happened to you, I would've never forgiven myself." The raven's eyes gazed everywhere except for Taehyung and that made the smaller pout.

"I'm fine. See! I'm really okay now! Don't ever blame yourself kookie! And you too Jiminie, I know you're also beating yourself because of what happened! Please just.....j-just do-don't." The beauty's voice cracked at the end of his sentence as his eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"Tae! How can you say that you're okay when you could've died! We thought we lost you! We we're so s-scared! I-i was so s-so scared!" Jimin broke down. It was too much for him to see Taehyung in this state.

"You think I wasn't scared?! I was so terrified! I didn't want to worry the both of you that's why I acted calm!" The youngest bursted into tears.

Seeing their lover crying made their hearts break. Jimin felt horrible for snapping at his mate.

"I-i'm so-sorry bab-baby." He looked down, too guilty to look at his love.

"We won't blame ourselves anymore love, so don't cry. Right Jimin?" Jungkook looked at the other who agreed.

"Yes! Yes, we won't blame ourselves so please stop crying. We hate it when you cry taetae." Jimin sat on the submissive's right side and enveloped him in a hug while Jungkook sat on the left also cuddling the smaller male, sandwiching the latter. Gentle enough to not harm or touch the petite male's fresh wound.

"O-okay." Taehyung wiped his eyes and sniffed cutely.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you baby. Will you forgive me?" The doninant silver head asked.

"Mhmm... I understand you Minnie. I would've been terrified if I was in your shoes too." the beauty looked at him with his cute doe eyes.

"But no kisses for you for the whole day, Jiminie." Taehyung grinned mischiveously making Jungkook hold in his laughter, feeling a little bad for the shorter male.

"Why only meeee...why can't Kook join me?"

"Hey! Don't drag me into your misfotune!" The prince immidiately protested.

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