Once all of the clothes were back in the case, Clarke offered a hand to Mary as I stood. Their hands held onto each other as Mary stood. The two stood there for a moment longer than needed, before Clarke broke off their eye contact.

"I'll show you your room now."

* * * * *

"Here it is." Clarke led us through a variety of somewhat familiar hallways, and finally to our room. Mary stood next to me as Clarke turned around with a smile.

"I'll let you guys get settled. Breakfast will be at 7:30 tomorrow, and you'll have the whole day to settle in before you start work." Clarke said. "Get some sleep, and I'll see you both tomorrow. Bye!" We say 'bye' and head into our room. Only to find another person already in there.

There was a short girl with frizzy, red hair with her back to us as she shuffled around the room. I cleared my throat. The girl yelped and whipped around. She had freckles scattered over her face and hazel eyes that looked surprised. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw Mary and me.

"Oh, you scared me." She breathed. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention. I was just letting you know we were here." I rambled.

"It's ok. I should have known that you were going to be here. After all, we are all sharing this room." She reassured, gesturing to the room. I cast my eyes around the room, only now noticing that there were three beds in the room.

"Oh, so you're Amelia?" Mary asked, but it sounded more like a fact. Amelia nodded her head vigorously. 

"And you're Leah and Mary, right?" We answered with a nod and moved to the two spare beds. The three of us talked and got to know each other as we unpacked, and eventually went to sleep.


It was a bright, sunny day and we were walking in the park. There were children running around the playground chasing each other. Their laughter seemed to echo around the park. There were couples, families and joggers on the path, either talking and laughing with one another or having what I assumed was a comfortable silence.

Why couldn't I have that?

I peered up at the man who held my hand when in public. The man who hid all of his dark secrets behind a smile, forcing me to do the same. The man whose 'cheerful' smile could turn into a deadly one at the slightest wrong move.

Lucas was looking straight ahead with a smile, holding my hand in a solid grip. It felt like my hand was going to break. He felt my gaze and looked down at me. His tall figure towered over mine, making him seem even more threatening if that were possible.

"What's wrong, my love?" My body involuntary shivered at that nickname. The Lucas I use to love called me that. I made sure to keep my voice soft so only Lucas could hear me.

"You're hurting my hand." The look that Lucas made me wish I hadn't said anything.

"Oh, am I?" He questioned as he squeezed my hand tighter than before. I could hear a snap within my hand and looked at Lucas' eyes with terror. Before I could react, he subtly placed his foot in front of mine and I fell over, landing on my hands. I let out a yelp of pain. I rolled onto my back and cradled my left hand in pain, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Oh my god, baby! Are you ok?" Lucas gasped in 'worry', kneeling down in front of me. He raised me onto my legs and examined my hand. I looked around and noticed a small crowd had formed. That explained Lucas' weird, caring behaviour.

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