Chapter 10 "The Last Chapter"

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The next morning we packed our things and headed back home. When we got home my family was waiting for me at the airport so I rode back to our house with them "so did you have fun" my mom asked "yeah it was amazing" I said "did you take pictures" my sister asked "no" I said "what you went to Paris and didn't take pictures" she said "I was enjoying the moment" I said my sister then mocked me by repeating what I said. We finally got home and I went upstairs to my room and unpacked my bag. After I unpacked I just laid on my bed to relax a little. Bea called me "Hey Atlas are you back at your house yet" she asked "yeah I just got done unpacking" I said "ok good would you like to hang out" she asked "yeah of course" I said "ok well see you soon" she said

I head downstairs "hey can I head over to Bea's" I asked "sure" my parents said "ok well bye" I said as I headed out the door. I walked over to Bea's and knocked on the door. Bea answered "hey Bea you ready" I asked "of course I'm ready when am I not" she said. We then started walking "so did you have fun" I asked "obviously I had fun I smiled the whole time" she said "well you usually do that with me so" I said Bea pushed me playfully "shut up" she said I started laughing. We then made it to our spot "so what do you wanna do" I asked "I just wanna sit here and relax" Bea said as she sat by the rock I walked over and sat next to her she laid her head on my shoulder "this is nice" I said "yeah it is" Bea said "Atlas could you tell me a story" she asked "yeah are you ok you've never asked me this before" I said "yeah I'm okay I just wanna hear a story" she said "and can you make one up please" she asked "sure" I said.

"So this story starts with a very beautiful girl. She was so happy, full of life, and just angelic. Everyone loved the girl because she was so nice and fun to be around but one day she got very very sick. When the girl got sick the life drained from her and she became very sad but one day a nice friend told her life is short. You only live once so live your best life and do whatever it is you want and make the most of it. Just because life beats you down doesn't mean you stay down, when life beats you down you stand back up and become stronger than you've ever been before. Then one day the girl became too sick but though she became so sick she was still so happy and full of life. One day the girl went to sleep and she didn't wake back up but instead she went to a land far far away with all of her favorite things were she could always be happy and in peace like she deserved...and the end" I said "so what'd you think" I asked " I loved it" Bea said "you should tell stories more often Atlas" she said "really" I asked "yeah" she replied. "Hey, can we go back to my house? I'm really tired" Bea asked "yeah" I said "lets go" I said as I pulled her up. We then walked back to her house. Bea hugged me "bye Atlas see you later" she said "bye Bea see you later" I said.

I was back at my house just laying down relaxing like I had been planning to do when suddenly my mom came rushing in my room "Atlas its Bea she's in the hospital and I think it's bad" she said "what" I said jumping out of my bed "can you take me to her" I asked "yeah get in car" she said. We then got to the hospital and met up with Bea's dad "what happened" I asked "we were just at home when she came downstairs and told me she didn't feel good and then she passed out" her dad said "well when can we see her" I asked "I don't know right now they're looking at her, for now all we have to do is wait" he said. After what felt like hours the doctor finally came out "you can see her now but I hate to be the one to tell you but it's not looking too good you may have to say your goodbyes now" she said.

Bea's dad and I then went in the room "hey Bea" I said trying not to cry "hey Atlas" she said now smiling "hey dad" she said "hey baby" he said "Bea I am so incredibly proud of you as a daughter and your mother would be so proud too, you've filled my life with more joy than I can even begin to describe, I love you to the moon and back" he said with a tear falling from his cheek "don't cry dad" Bea said wiping it from his face. "Can I be left in here alone with her for a little bit" her dad asked "yeah sure" I said as I walked out. After a little bit her dad came out "she wants to see you now" he said. I went there trying my hardest not to cry I sat next to her on the bed holding her hand "how you feel" I asked "Atlas we've been trying to avoid it but we both know I'm dying right now and it's ok" she said "it's not ok" I replied "yes it is and it's ok because I'll be spending my last moments with my favorite person who made my life so much better" "Atlas you literally showed me the world you did something no one else would have done for me, listen Atlas you are kind, you're way smarter than me, you're funny though you'd deny it, and you're so thoughtful I couldn't have asked for anyone better" Bea said "Bea I can't lose you, before you I wasn't living I was just existing, before you I never realized but I was so unhappy but then you walked into my life and saved me, you hear that.. you saved me Bea okay it's me and you against the world...I need you" I said crying. Bea put her hand on my face "Atlas you mean the absolute world to me so can you promise me something" Bea asked "sure anything" I said "promise me that when I go you won't think about me too much, I'd hate to be the reason you're sad instead tell my story" Bea said "I'll try" I said. "Atlas, I want you to know I've also loved you since I met you, since I got to know you, and now I'm still in love with you and I will forever and always be in love with you, in this life or the next" Bea said "you love me" I asked smiling trying not to cry harder than I was, "how could I not" Bea replied. I smiled still crying "I love you too, forever and always" I said.  Bea then pulled me in for one last kiss "remember Atlas don't forget about me" Bea said, "I could never" I replied crying even more now "In this life or the next" I said. After a couple seconds Bea quit breathing and all I could hear was the monitor beeping and it was as if for the first time in my life since meeting Bea life was quiet, everything was quiet. "No... don't go I'm not ready Bea... I'm not ready" I whispered crying, laying my head on her chest.

After a few weeks I went to Bea's funeral and before she...died she asked me to speak at her funeral "hey I'm Atlas. I was Bea's boyfriend and I loved her so much...more than she or anybody else will ever know. She was the most beautiful person I've ever met. She could light up a room by just walking in it. She had the most beautiful smile that could give anyone butterflies, she also had these enchanting brown eyes that you couldn't help but get lost in. I couldn't count how many times I did. Bea...Bea taught me how to live, she taught me how to be happy and now that she's gone there will forever be a void that cannot be filled. I couldn't tell you how many times I have cried, how many times I wish I could be with her but I guess I can't though I miss her so much. You know I should've knew that even she was going to be temporary and in the end, she was meant for only a few chapters, but I needed her for the whole story. But hey I've realized there's no such thing as happy endings. Only sad endings filled with happy memories but I guess if we're being completely honest this is Bea's story she just isn't here to tell it and well I guess in the end we're all just a bunch of dreamers".

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