Chapter 6 "Talk to Me"

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A month went by since me and Bea fought. She hasn't picked up my calls, my texts and yeah I know no one probably listens to them but she hasn't responded to my voicemails either. I've tried going to her house even though her dad told me not to come back but no one answered the door when I knocked. I know I sound dramatic but I just never knew how lonely life could be. Before I had no friends and I was fine with that. I was happy with that. I know I have my family but without Bea it's like there's this part of me that's empty, not complete if that makes sense.

At school we were now on Christmas break so I now had a lot of free time. I got out of my bed and did what I usually do like brush my teeth and stuff like that. I headed downstairs "has Bea talked to you yet" my mom asked "no she hasn't" I said. My family all just looked at each other. My sister who never feels sorry about anything was even looking like she felt bad "it will be okay maybe she'll start talking to you again" my sister said and for some reason this made me mad "I don't need your sympathy" I yelled. My family looked shocked. "you do not raise your voice at your sister or anybody in this house" my dad said "I'm sorry I just... I don't know I'm sorry" I said. My mom walked over to me and put her arm around me "maybe you can try going over there and talking to her again" my mom said. "Can I go over there now please" I said "not till you eat breakfast" my mom said

After breakfast I walked over to Bea's house. I was very nervous for some reason. I stood at her door hesitating at knocking the door but then I finally did. I was just about to walk away because no one answered at first until Bea did. I was shocked for a moment because she was bald now "Bea..." I said "I know I look a bit different" she said "can we talk" I asked "yeah I was actually hoping we could" she said. Her dad came rushing to door looking like he was ready to tackle me "didn't I tell you-" Bea cut him off "it's fine dad" she said he then looked at me angrily then back at Bea "can I go with Atlas" she asked he hesitated "sure but be safe please" he said hugging her. I know I probably should be mad at her dad but I'm not. He just really cares about her and wants to keep her safe and I can understand that.

I waited for Bea as she was putting on her coat and a beanie. We then walked to our spot "what happened that day we were in your room I don't know what I did wrong and I was hoping you could tell me" I said "well that's what I was hoping we could talk about" she said. We made it to our spot and she sat down and I sat down next to her "you didn't do anything wrong" she said hearing her say that made me feel relieved but more confused now "well what did I do then" I asked "you did everything right and that's the problem" she replied "what do you mean" I asked "I'm clearly getting worse Atlas I mean look at me and I don't wanna ruin you because I'm sick and dying it's already ruining my dad even though he tries to hide it I can tell" she said. "The doctors said I only have around three months left to live if I'm lucky, maybe more" she said. Hearing her say this made me feel sick and it felt like there was something in the back of my throat that I couldn't get rid of but I stayed calm for Bea. I looked at her she was now crying I then grabbed her hands "you feel this Bea" I said "what" she asked confused "do you feel my hands" I asked "yeah of course I feel your hands" she said "yeah good because that means your still here and your still alive and so am I" I said "you may only have three months left but instead of crying about it and wasting time we can make the most of it and live the best three months ever" I said. Bea started crying a little more smiling "really" she said "really" I replied. I then stood up and pulled Bea's arm to get her up too "so you're not freaked out about me being bald" she asked "never" I said smiling. She then looked at me smiling and that felt amazing. When I first met Bea she was the happiest and most positive person I had ever met and it's clear that has changed and I understand why so me doing something as little as making her smile or laugh is the best feeling in the world.

We then walked to her house "so will I see you tomorrow" I asked "of course" she said "we're going to live the best three months we can together" she said "yeah together" I said smiling. "So are you going to smooth things over with your dad about what happened? I don't want him to keep hating me" I said "yeah I will I promise" she said. We then made it to her house "oh I almost forgot I still have your sweatshirt" she said "it's fine you can keep it" I said "really" she asked "really" I said. Before walking to the door she hugged me and kissed my cheek "see you tomorrow Atlas" she said smiling before heading inside. I walked back to my house and I couldn't stop smiling. When I walked inside my family noticed "what are you smiling about" my dad said "nothing" I said my family all just looked at each other "I'm going to bed goodnight" I said. As I laid in bed the only thing I could think was Bea and the next couple months "this is going to be a wild couple of months".

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