Chapter 2 "Loosen up"

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The next morning I ate breakfast and my mom kissed my forehead while I was about to head out the door "mom you can not keep doing that I'm seventeen not seven" I said "yeah I know but you'll always be my son no matter what age" mom said. I then headed out the door to catch the bus. This time on the bus Bea decided to sit in Max's seat. Max is one of the mean girls and she's big and buff so no one messes with her, not even me of course. "Get out if my seat" Max yelled "what" Bea said "What are you new around here everyone knows this is my seat so move'' Max yelled "well maybe if focused a little less on a bus seat with who knows how many germs on it than you would've noticed I actually am new" Bea said. Everyone looked shocked, no one stood up to Max. Some started recording preparing for a fight, others jaws were still on the floor. "What did you say to me?" Max said "I said..." Bea didn't get to finish her sentence before I pulled her aside in the seat I was sitting in "she's new she didn't know who you were and didn't know to move so just leave her alone ok" I said everyone was now more shocked including myself since half of the kids on the bus have never heard me speak until now. I was now standing between Max and Bea, Max was getting ready to punch me until the bus driver came to the back "you all sit down and shut up it's too early for this crap" the bus driver yelled "you got lucky this time" Max said. "Thank you for standing up for me, no one has ever done that for me before" Bea said "no problem anytime you need someone to stand between you and Max and almost become her punching bag I'll be here" I said Bea laughed a little, that made me happy.

We finally got off the bus and Bea was walking next to me when Max walked by me and smacked my books out of my hands and walked off laughing yelling "loser". I groaned and then bent down to pick up my books and Bea also bent down with me to help me pick up my books and when she handed me my books our hands brushed a little. I could feel my face turn all hot and I saw her brush her hair behind her ear.

"You didn't have to help me you know" I said "yeah I know but I wanted to besides I kind of owe you one" Bea said "yeah that true" I said. Bea asked me If I could walk her to her class because she forgot where it was at "yeah sure" I said trying to sound as cool as possible. We got to her class but before she walked in she asked me if I wanted to hang out with her after school "yeah I'd love to" I said smiling but dying on the inside. She then of course smiled back at me "I'll see after school" she replied. I walked back to my class and thought "what did she mean by hang? did she mean hang as a friend hang or hang as a date hang "I then started getting more nervous thinking about it and had a hard time focusing in my classes.

After school when we both got off the bus "come on I wanna show you something" Bea said I followed her. We lived out in the country a little bit and she had me follow her somewhere in the woods "do you like nature" she asked "its ok I've never really payed attention to it before" I said "well I love nature" Bea said "why" I asked "because it's peaceful, it's beautiful, and it's quiet" she replied. After a little bit of walking we stopped next to this creek and huge rock "why did we stop" I asked "this is it this is what I wanted to show you" she said as she walked away from me dropped her bag and just spun laughing and falling to the ground I smiled watching her and then followed her and fell next to her. "You should try spinning when you fall, it's more fun," she said. I was looking at her and she was looking at me there I went again admiring her. She had these beautiful brown eyes that had these sparkles in them from the sun and looked full of life. I'd never thought brown eyes to be all that pretty but man her eyes were different they were just so beautiful it was amazing. After staring at each other she asked me if in math on her first day at school if I was staring at her "I noticed you were staring at me I just didn't say anything" Bea said I all of sudden felt all nervous again I was hoping she didn't notice "um... no I was just thinking" I said that was the lamest excuse ever I could tell she knew I was lying "it's fine if you were I thought it was cute" Bea said I got so many butterflies when she said that. "Are you blushing" she asked smiling "no I just have allergies" I said again with the dumb excuses "you are aren't you" she said laughing a little "maybe" I said "awe I made you blush" she said "yeah I guess you did" I said smiling back at her awkwardly. We were now sitting up "you got to loosen up a little" Bea said grabbing my shoulders "if you never loosen up you'll just ending up living a boring life and I don't think no one wants that" she said "yeah I guess you're right" I replied "of course I'm right" she said beginning to stand up and pulling me up with her "come on let me show you something else" she said. We jumped over the creek and walked up to this tall tree she then looked at me and then back at the tree "wait your not thinking about what I think your thinking about" I said "yes I am" she said looking back at me "no I can't climb that its to high" I said "you don't have to climb all the way just a little bit" she said I was now looking up and down the tree "remember loosen up" Bea said I took a deep breath in " fine" I said she smiled at me "well let's go then" she said we began climbing the tree "are we almost there yet" I asked "Atlas were still at the bottom we've barely even climbed yet" she said we began climbing some more "we're halfway there" she said

We finally after what felt like forever quit climbing made it "look we made it Atlas" she said smiling. I could now see why she wanted to climb the tree and why she loved nature. "It's beautiful" I said, "I told you" Bea replied. We were both staring at the sunset hiding behind some of the trees and our houses. I then looked over at her and she was smiling real big. It was more beautiful than the sunset itself, she looked so happy I started smiling. She noticed me staring at her but I didn't care this time. We then started staring at each other but I then noticed my watch "oh crap I got to go home it's past my curfew" I said. We then started climbing down and walking back to our houses. "I had a good time" Bea said "me too" I said smiling at her and then she smiled back at me. When we got back to our house my parents were outside waiting for me. Her dad was also waiting for her doing the same thing for her.

"Where were you?" My mom yelled and my dad standing next to her "I was hanging out with Bea" I said "who's Bea" my dad asked "she's our neighbor and my friend" I said. My parents were now less mad because I had finally made a friend and had finally left the house for something besides school. Mom and dad turned around smiling and started whispering "you know I'm right here you can just talk to me" I said they turned back around "ok me and your father have decided you're not in trouble this time but if you pull something like this again you will be in trouble do you understand" mom said "yes ma'am" I said "now go get ready for bed" she said.

I was now laying in my bed staring at the ceiling just thinking about how amazing this day was. "This was the best day ever" I said, falling asleep.

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