whipped, but not dating

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Whipped, but not dating ; chapter 9

Warning;short chapter

Johnson laid on Nash's bed, listening to Nash talk about his oh- so-perfect girlfriend, Mahogany Lox, who secretly had a thing for Jacob Whitesides. Johnson felt so upset for him that he even told the blue-eyed boy, but poor Nash wouldn't believe a thing.

" you know, she's so beautiful–" Nash was cut off by Johnson exclaiming, " Nash, for the last time; she's not into you!"

Nash narrowed his eyes at Johnson, then scoffed.

" you're just jealous of her, I always knew you wanted to be with me," Nash shouted back, and Johnson was taken back. Did he just..

"What–," Johnson was cut off by Nash sighing.

"Jack, I like you.. not in that way," Nash said, and Johnson looked at him, confusedly. Johnson rolled off of the bed, and stood to his feet.

"Nash, You're the only narcisstic friend I have–," Johnson was cut off again by nash.

"Get out of my house, Jack," He said, and Johnson took his sweater off the bed.

"Gladly," He said before storming out of the building.


Gilinsky sat at his livingroom, watching some chic-flick about a girl who has a 4th stage thyroid condition, and a guy who's an ex- basketball player who lost his calve from cancer. Gilinsky furrowed his eyebrows, so confused why girls have sobbed uncontrollably over the movie.              
  He took his remote and turned the TV off, then pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted Sammy and Nate.

Dingle ling ding(herro its cahtah)

He looked up from his phone, then got up, walking to the door. He opened it and saw the boy with blue eyes and his gorgeous blond hair that used to be a quiff; remained flat on his head because of the rain , his lips was a beautiful shade of pink and moved–

"Gilinsky, did you even hear me," Johnson asked, smirking even when he was soaked by the rain. Gilinsky nodded, still admiring Johnson's features. Johnson rolled his eyes, and just entered the house, Gilinsky was shook out of his trance and closed the door.

Instead of going home, Johnson decided to make mr.popular's heart swell by visiting him. He was almost wrapped around Johnson's  finger.

Gilinsky smiled as Johnson took his wet shoes off, and took his sweater off.

Johnson walked towards the couch, and laid on it, Gilinsky just stood at the doorway of the living room. Johnson laughed,
  "Cmon, seriously, this is your house, why are you just standing there like a stranger had entered your house."

Gilinsky rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms.

"You have entered without permission though," Gilinsky said, and Johnson let out a small laugh.

"You would've let me in anyway, because you love me plus you're whipped for me," Johnson joked, but Gilinsky did not notice the jokingly tone. He scoffed and sat on the arm chair next to the couch.

"I am not–" Gilinsky was cut off by Johnson asking, " Jack-Dear, can you please get me a glass of water?" Gilinsky immediately got up, and headed to the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks, and Johnson smirking behind him.

"Goddamn it," Gilinsky muttered, then entering the kitchen.

Johnson could get anything with whipped Gilinsky.

Short chapter bc I'm at class, and the teacher-aid is soweird and keeps glancing at my way.

Hes scary.


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