monday makeouts

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It's been three days since the handjob incident, and they haven't seen eachother, until today.
  Monday is the day everyone dreads and today, Gilinsky didn't want to go to school. The reason? Marks scattered on his neck.
  He had thought Johnson only left one mark, but he made more than three; very noticable to see, even in the distance.

Once he entered the school, he received many 'ooo's and students made up rumors about the most popular boy in the school. The rumors floated around, which made Johnson smirk and laugh. Rumors of Gilinsky fucking the lead cheerleader (who's lesbian), to Gilinsky getting into a fight with his ex, Shawn Mendes, then having angry sex. Nobody thought it was the boy that likes to keep to himself, and gets straight A's, who gave mr.popular lovebites.

It was lunch hour, and Gilinsky was eager to find Johnson, not for an explanation but to speak to the not-so-virgin boy. Also hoping he could receive some sexual activity.

He stood from his table, then getting weird expressions from his friends.

"Bro, where are you going?, " Sam asked, and Jack needed to find an excuse.

"I.. I didn't study for the history test last night, and I need to study in the library during break ," Jack said in one breath, and their expressions showed pure confusion and silence fell upon the table, but Sam stood up and smiled.

" I'm quite proud that you decided to study for that test, hey! I'll walk you to the library," Sam said, then walking out of the cafeteria with Jack following him closely.

They made a turn to a hallway which was empty, and Sam stopped then turned around to face Gilinsky. Sam wore a smirk and crossed his arms,

"Okay, what's really up?," Sam asked and Gilinsky scratched the back of his neck.

"I just need to study for the.. uh-," Jack furrowed his eyebrows but Sam finished his sentence,

"The history test, jack.. Look, if there were a test; I would know.. what's going on, Jack," Sam asked, and waited for Gilinsky's answer, but a thought popped into his head and his eyes widened and grinned widely. Gilinsky looked at him confusedly.

"Dude you're looking for the person who gave you those lovebites, aren't you?," Sam asked.

"What, no," Jack denied but it was technically true. Sam rose an eyebrow but decided to let Jack look for his mysterious person.

He shrugged then walking towards the cafeteria. He turned around and winked at Jack, "Go get some, man!," he shouted before jogging to the cafeteria.

Jack rolled his eyes at Sam's words, and walked towards the library, mindlessly.
He opened the door and walked in, then stood at the door, thinking,
'Why am I even in here?'.
  He turned around, then turning the knob. He stopped when he heard a whisper/shout behind him, Jack turned around then saw Johnson waving and smiling softly, while holding books closely.
Jack smiled softly, and walked towards him.

"May I carry your books, Mr. Johnson?," Jack asked then Johnson nodded before handing the books over to him.

Jack held the books, following Johnson who walked to the librarian's desk. The lady looked up at Johnson, then smiled,

"Hello, Jack. Here to pick out novels again?," She asked and Johnson nodded his head, smiling.

"Yup, I decided to reread the novel 'heartbreaking the heartbreaker' again, and also reading 'frozen affection'," Johnson said and the Librarian knew what he was going on about, and she nodded while smiling.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows, confused why he picked out those books.  Johnson took the books out of Jack's hands, and gave the novels to Mrs. Bocun.

Jack waited as Mrs.bocun gave the books back to Johnson, who put the novels in his messenger bag. He smiled at Jack, and tapped his forearm, "c'mon, let's go."

Jack turned around and followed Johnson out of the library, and Johnson held onto the sleeve of Jack's sweater, then leading him to the empty bathroom.
Johnson gave a flirtatious smile, then walked near Jack who backed up until he hit the wall.

Johnson chuckled, "what's wrong, Jack? Are you too timid to show me what you can do?" Johnson used Gilinsky's technique to make him angry, which surprisingly worked.

He was suddenly pinned to the wall, and lips roughly moved against his, which he decided that he had no choice but to go with it, and moved his lips with Gilinsky's.
JJ turned them around so Gilinsky was against the wall.  Their mouths opened slightly, tongues brushing together, making each other moan into the kiss. Gilinsky felt a slight ache in his stomach, but their makeout continued.
  It got heated between them, but the bell signalled that lunch hour was over.

Gilinsky felt the lips that was on his, disappear from his touch. He opened his eyes, seeing JJ walking out of the door while smirking.

"Later, big boy.."

He was left in the bathroom, stunned that Johnson left just like that. Most people he had sexual activity with, couldnt even leave his side.


Something about Johnson made Jack not want to play with him, but it's a bet.. he had to.

Did he?

Two updates in a day woop, I'm on a roll.


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