"I ain't ask you that" she say "can I have your number"

"Sure" I say and she gave me her phone. I started to give her the wrong number but I need more friends. Mine always chasing dick.

"I'm gone call you" she say

"Okay, enjoy the rest of your day" and I grabbed my food and left

I climbed back into Taes truck. I just know my food better be right.

We got outside my house and he didn't go into the parking garage "I'll see you later"

"Okay" I opened the bag and opened the first box and it was mine. I grabbed my shit and got out. Tae is obviously in his feelings and I'm not even about to kiss his ass. We were suppose to spend the day together but obviously that's not happening now.

Once I got up to my house I washed my hands and sat at the island and started eating my food. No Tv, no phone, and no interruptions. I just got lost in my thoughts

I feel like work wise I'm allowing myself to be lazy. I haven't looked at a second building and I'm barely at the shop now. It was a time I was at the shop 24/7. Just finding ways to perfect my craft and ways to expand my business. I just got lazy and comfortable in every aspect of my life.

I wiped the tear that I didn't realize had fallen "why are you crying" I looked up

I be forgetting I'm now housing Madison's grown ass. "I don't know" because honestly although I might not be doing my very best but I've been in way worse predicaments

"Is it because you and that girl broke up" Madison never met Kay and obviously she's not going to but Tae and Santana talk about it so much she found out about her

"No. It has nothing to do with her" I say "it's just have you ever just needed to cry"

"I'm pregnant Ari. That's all I do" I started laughing. She's my sister. We should try to get along.

"Have you talked to mama" I ask

"You tired of me already" Madison ask

It's not that I'm tired of her but I'm not use to having house guest for this long. A few hours a day but not 24/7.

"No I was just asking. That's your mom at the end of the day. You only get one" I say

Madison did this sarcastic laugh "The nerve of you. You went months without talking to her. You didn't even know she was sick. She spent Damn near a month in the hospital fighting for her damn life and you didn't even know"

Guilt rushed over me. "Madison I did not know" which I didn't.

"Duh! That's my fucking point. We get it you lost Kyle but we all lost him! You had the opportunity to leave and we are proud of you but you didn't have to turn your back on us" by now her face was full of tears

"Please do not bring him into this" I say

"I did! I fucking did. Kyle was not just your brother Ariana. You took his best friend and brought him here with you, what about us? You sent us a few dollars but that's it. You making it seem like you had this horrible ass life but in reality you was the fucking Princess" Madison say

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