pt 2- life is great

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third person pov

shinsou sat in his room against the wall, he didn't have school today so he did what he usually did, waited in this cramped space before noon so he could leave. of course he could leave now but then he will probably have to face the other kids would probably tease him, or do much much worse like the last time. but could shinsou really blame them, when they watched T.V they see hero's beat up villains all the time so of course, they saw nothing wrong with beating him to the ground almost everyday. shinsou sighed against the wall he really wish he could see his family right about now. but they never meet up when shouto's training they always are together or it wont feel right it will just feel like something was missing. "god can time go by any faster" shinsou muttered as he stared at the ceiling.

todoroki coughed as he bent over on the ground, he didn't want to train anymore his body hurt burns and bruises racked over his body and his inside was nearly burning "i want to- to stop it hurts" todoroki said air barely going into his lung "we cant stop shouto i have to go on a business trip for some weeks and i need to train you harder before that" endeavor said, if todoroki wasn't in so much pain he would have scoffed, that was almost the dumbest thing he heard come from this old man. "now get up and stop being weak boy, if your gonna be number one hero you need to be stronger" endeavor said todoroki slowly lifted his head up "bold of you to assume i wanted to be a fucking hero in the first place" todoroki muttered under his breath, he really needs to stop picking up denki's cursing habits.

denki woke up out his sleep from the tickling on his feet, though he was used to it, it still scared the living shit out of him. once he sat up he looked at the spider he didn't mean to kick off "sorry" denki said to the spider. even if the spider couldn't understand him he still would apologize and who knows maybe the spider has a quirk where it can understand humans and found denki very rude for that then bite his foot the next time he's sleep and plant eggs in the bite, denki shook his head. to try and stop overthinking, denki waited before moving planning on what to do to do today. shouto did say his dad was leaving for a business trip so his dad will probably hire someone to watch him instead of his own siblings, they will be able to hang out more. denki didn't really need to worry about the babysitter since they always come up with a plan to get them unconscious. its usually just denki giving a couple zaps to the head knocking them out. denki got out of his 'bed' if you can even call it that. then went to the door that leaded to the house, his parents were cruel that was no doubt but they made it clear that he can use their shower and stuff when they are gone with their son, denki shook the jealousy from his head atleast they let him use something.

izuku woke up with an aching side, he didn't think izumi using him for aim practice with rocks would be so sore. but guess he was wrong, izuku carefully got out of bed. denki gave him clear instructions to not work his self to much and even though izuku didn't see the point he couldn't handle denki being mad at him, or any of them being mad at him in fact. izuku got out of bed and walked to his closet and change. he had a bit of clothes from the guilt money his parents use to give him when they accidentally left him on all their trips, when they actually felt guilty for it. though izuku got used to it, once in the awhile he makes a little scene and his parents slip him money for it then he either buys all might merch or something for shinsou and denki or save it. he had a bit of money saved up for a ten year old. izuku grabbed a allmight sweater and black ripped jeans for the day, he bought a eraserhead hoodie for shinsou. there was barely any merch of eraserhead so as soon as izuku (or shouto) seen merch of their friends favorite hero he got it for them. izuku put the sweater in the bag and left his room to go to the kitchen. he was surprised to see his family sitting there having breakfast seeing as they usually weren't around at this time. "uh....goodmorning" izuku said catching his family attention surpisingly, once izumi saw him she rolled her eyes, izuku could tell the more she saw him the irritated she seemed to get like she almost hated his presence. "goodmorning" toshinori said not looking up from what he was doing, 'typical dad' izuku thought as toshinori barely paid him any mind. "dad, mom so for my birthday I was thinking bakugou and and a few friends from school could come over and we can go to a theme park" izumi said gaining her parents attention with ease "of course sweetie" toshinori said setting whatever he was doing down to talk to his daughter "oh it will be so fun and we will take lots of pictures" inko said excitely while she clapped her hands "you know it will be my birthday too right" izuku asked once again catching half of his family attention "of course izu we wouldn't forget" inko said, izuku almost laughed at his mother like they didn't forget last year that it was his birthday too.

denki hopped out the shower, he never liked the dirty feeling he got when he was in the basement. it made him want to scratch his skin over and over again till the feeling was gone, when denki made it back downstairs he quickly made his self a sandwich and erased any trace of him having anything in kitchen. once he was done eating he left the house with his backpack. shinsou checked the time for the sixth time this hour and it was finally time, at 2:00pm everyday his care taker feeds everyone lunch. and she has not ever been a minute late shinsou stood up and quickly got dressed. he wore black shorts and a oversized black shirt that todoroki gave to him, once shinsou was fully dressed he opened his window and quickly slipped out to go to todoroki's house. todoroki was laying on the training room ground trying his best to catch his breathe, his insides hurt and he was exhausted. god he hated endeavor the man was nothing (in izu's words) a walking pile of trash, he can tell endeavor already left for the trip deciding that a real hero gets up and treats his self. shouto didn't know what was wrong with that man or his head, who knows his quirk probably burned any braincells he had left. todoroki heard the training room door open if he wasn't so tired he would have lifted his head up to see who it was. "your sister let me in, she knew he probably did a number on you and just thought you would feel better if we patched you up" someone said from the door. todoroki slowly turned his head to see his friends all standing in the doorway, "she's right" todoroki, he had nothing against his siblings he loved them very much but these three he just felt more comfortable around. "alright lets patch you up and then we can go" denki said smiling as he walked to todoroki.


hello there

i wrote this at one but probably wont post it until later today where i have to proof read, but i hope my new readers enjoyed this chapter.

honestly i already have so much planned for this story already.

anyways thanks if you are and


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