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Ok, can I just say you guys are amazing!!! A few days ago the story was just above 600 views and now it is over 700!!! That may not seem like a ton but it is amazing and wonderful and just yes. Like you are all the best and absolutely amazing!!! Thank you so much!!!
The next day

I wake up in the early morning, and decide to go to school for the last day that my old class is here. I make myself look human, and hurry and change my clothes into a loose white long-sleeved top and a pair of skinny light blue jeans. I also put on a pair of my white tennis shoes, and just brush out my hair so then it is straight.

I don't do my makeup, except for some winged eyeliner (which irl I can't do for the life of me lol) and some mascara. Ever since I changed into... whatever I am there has been an inhumanly beauty that is very noticeable. So, I'm going to wear no to minimal makeup and plain clothes.

I run downstairs, and am there in only a few seconds. Apparently I have super-human speed too. I go over to the fridge, and open it. I grab the lunch I packed last night and put it in my bag, then grab an orange. I hurry and eat it, rushing downstairs to Tony's work space.

"Good morning Tony." I say, and he looks up at me and smiles. "Good morning kiddo. How did you sleep?" "Fine. You ready to go?" He nods and stands up, walking over to one of his fancier cars. The roof is off, and I smile, knowing he wants to go on a joy ride. I get in, and so does he.

We begin to drive, and he goes way over the speed limit. I look over at him, and gently wave my hand, so then his seatbelt buckles over him. He quietly chuckles, and says, "You aren't buckled either." I smirk and say, "But I'm immortal. There is a difference." He shrugs, and a few minutes later he pulls into the school round-a-bout in the front. I lean over and give him a hug, and wave a goodbye as he drives away.

I walk up the steps of the school, and go into my first class, keeping my head down and letting my hair fall into my face. I sit down in my seat, and pull out my folder. Soon Peter and Alya come in, and sit down. "Hey Marinette." She says, and I murmur a hello. Peter kisses my cheek, and asks, "How did you sleep?" He tucks my hair behind my ears, and I smile up at him.

"Perfectly fine. Yesterday was kinda crazy, but I passed out when I got home." Alya slightly gasps, and I give her a questioning look. "Girl, you had a glow up or something within the past few days. You are beautiful. Like crazily beautiful." I just laugh, and it sounds like bells and chimes. The perfect laugh.

"And your laugh too. What the heck gene pool right here." I just roll my eyes, and the bell rings. The teacher comes in, and says, "Good morning class. Tonight, in honor of French American friend-ship week, there is going to be a dance here at the school. All students are welcomed, and you don't need a ticket or anything. Just dress up and come. It's at 6. They will be serving food. I guess it's more like a gala type thing. Anyways, that's all. Today is a free day so have fun."

Alya turns to me, and asks, "seriously, why are you so pretty?" I decide that I want to surprise her, and let her know who I truly am. "Well, I have healed ever since Lila and her gang, including you, hurt me. I got away from my abusive parents that I thought I loved, but didn't, and I have found people that I love and care about, and people who love and care about me."

She looks at me confused, and asks, "What?" I stare at her and say, "I'm adopted. My name before I was adopted was different. My original name was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. So, Alya, I think that clears up your question." Peter looks at me with surprise, and I just shrug. "Mari?" Alya asks, and I roll my eyes. "Yeah." Her face fills with fury, and she says, "I think we need to go to the bathroom."

I say, "No. We don't. And you can't touch me. Tony has filled this place with avengers, and has cameras all over the place. He will sue you if you even touch me. He is protective. And he is my family." She gives me a death glare, and slaps my face. But, for some weird reason, it didn't hurt.

She pulls her and away fast, and makes a hissing sound. "What?" I ask, and she says, "You hurt me, that's what." "No, you hurt yourself. You are the one that slapped me." She just makes an annoyed sound, and I quietly laugh to myself.

Soon the bell rings, and she says, "Just because you were right about Lila, doesn't mean that I like you. If anything I still hate you." I grab my things and respond with, "Just because you hate me, doesn't mean that I hate you. I have every reason in the entire world to hate you, but I don't. I want to, but I can't. So, Alya, I still love you, but I can never forgive you for what you did. You are still welcome to sit with me at lunch. Goodbye. And maybe I'll see you at the dance."

I give Peter a kiss on the cheek as a goodbye, and head to my next class. The entire time I just ignore Lila, and watch as she spreads her lies. I search and search for the hate and resentment that I felt for her a few days ago, but the only thing there is love. I try my hardest to hate her, but I still can't.

I go to my next hour and Adrien and Nino are already there, talking. Mj sees me, and waves me over. I sit down next to her, and we have some light talk.

Nino notices that I am in here, and he says, "Well, if it isn't the faker." I smile at him, and say, "Go ahead and call me what ever you would like. But Nino, I don't hate you, and I never will. And I didn't lie. I just hid. I hid from the people that hurt me, that made me feel so worthless and awful that I wanted to die. And I still love you, but I can't forgive you. Maybe in the future, but for right now, I can't. And I may never be able to."

Adrien gives Nino a questioning look, and he opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off by saying, "It's me Adrien. The girl that sat behind you in class for so long with Googly eyes and a huge heart. The girl that you knew was right but still chose everyone else. It's Marinette." His eyes go wide, and he stands up, rushing around the table and pulling me up into a hug. He whispers in my ear, "I'm so sorry. I'm so happy that you are okay."

I hug him back, and my heart swells with love. But it isn't the same as it used to be. It's a friend love. A family love. Not a romantic love. Not the same as it is for Peter. I pull away and smile at him, and say, "I'm glad that you are ok too. And I'm glad that you are happy." He goes and sits back down, smiling. Nino says, "Stop it dude. She's a player. A lier. A gold digger. A spoiled brat. Don't talk to her." 

I squint my eyes at the Dj, and say, "No I am not. I have never been with more than one person at once, and I am in a good situation with someone right now. I have a boyfriend. In no way am I a player. I am not a lier either. I never told you my story, and would you tell your story to people that made you want to die? And I am not a gold digger. I am very spoiled, but in no way a brat. I treat everyone equally, and I don't hate anyone. And fine. If you don't want to talk then we won't talk. What ever."

I roll my eyes at the boy, and turn to talk to Mj. I ignore them for the rest of class, and the next one. For the rest of the school day, I ignore everyone from the French classes, and don't say a thing to anyone. When the final bell rings, I find Peter and give him a hug. He hugs me back, and I sigh into his shoulder, and say, "I had a rough day." He chuckles, and lifts up my chin a little. He leans down and gently fits his lips to mine, kissing me for a second.

I smile at him, and put my head into his shoulder again, taking a deep breath. "You smell good." I comment, and he says, "so do you. Your hair smells like lilacs. I love it." I smile, and we walk to the front of the school, waiting for Tony to come pick us up. When he pulls up, students snap pictures of him, and snap even more as we both get into the car.

We sit in a comfortable silence as the wind blows around us, making it seem peaceful. We drop Peter off, and he says to me, "See you at six." I smile up at him and say, "See you." He leans down and gives me a kiss on the forehead, and Tony honks the horn. We both jump, and end up laughing. I wave goodbye as we drive away, and see Peter go into his building.

We get home soon enough, and I give Tony a hug when we get out of the car. "How was school kid?" He asks, and I say, "Kinda awful. My class knows I'm here now." Tony nods, and walks over to his desk, starting his work again.

I head up to my room and begin to get ready for the dance.

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