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I wake up and stretch, looking out my window. I feel exhausted, but I got to sleep in because Tony refused to let me go to school for the rest of the week; today is Wednesday. I head over to my closet and open it up, walking in and grabbing my clothes. I decide to wear a white oversized t-shirt and a pair of black leggings and socks.

After I am done changing, and getting ready, I head down stairs and into the kitchen. I go over to the fridge and pull out the container with watermelon slices in it and a bowl with a fork. I fill up the bowl with the watermelon, and begin to eat it. I put the container away, and soon finish the juicy fruit. I become bored, so I head down stairs into Tony's workshop. I go in with out knocking, and see him working on his suit.

"Hey Tony." I say, and he looks up with a smile on his face. "Hey Marinette. How did you sleep?" He responds. "Pretty good. I'm really tired though. Probably from yesterday." "That's why I'm keeping you home kid." I laugh a little and ask, "Is Peter coming to the meeting?" Tony smirks and says, "No. He's busy helping his aunt with a charity event. Why?" I honestly answer with, "Just want to see a friendly face in a crowd of supers." He puts on a fake hurt look and asks, "Am I not friendly?!?" I giggle and say, "You are, but it's different with Peter. He makes me feel... I don't know. I don't like him like that, but he's just there. He's someone I can count on. You know?"

Tony nods, going back to his suit, and says, "That's Peps for me. Just instead I like her like her. No, I love her." I smile at the man, and he sighs. He looks up and says, "I made you something. It's on the table right here." He picks up a box that looks like a glasses case and I go over and open it, revealing a pair of round, gold glasses.

I give him a look, but put them on. Suddenly they come to life, and they say in my ear, "Hello Marinette. I am Liam. I am your assistant that will go every where with you. You have access to everyone's files and all Stark data bases." (the Edith glasses in far from home) "Wow. Thank you so much Tony."

He nods, and hands me a smaller case. "These are the exact same thing, just instead contacts. I did my best so then the little ring of technology and the camera the same color as your eyes, but there is a small, almost unnoticeable difference. I figured you would want contacts and glasses just so then the contacts are easier in school." I go around the desk and give him a big hug, saying, "Thank you so much Tony. I love them."

---Le time skip to meeting---

I put in the contacts, and hear a knock on the door. I take in a deep breath, trying to shake away the nerves. I walk out of my room, and go down stairs. As I get there, Tony comes up from his office and Pepper opens up the door, welcoming the most powerful team in the entire universe. They all greet Tony and Pepper, and I just stand there awkwardly. After a minute, another person comes through the door, and my nervousness goes up 10 times. Loki greets everyone, and soon he looks at me.

I hold my breath, and he gives me a small smile. (In my fan fic, Loki isn't evil, he was but Thor helped him and became good) I smile back, being polite, and he looks away, joining in on the conversation. After a few minutes I hear someone say, "Where is the girl anyway?" I speak up, using my confident, masked voice that I have perfected, and say, "I'm right here. I have been this entire time. You know, for a group of supers, your senses sure are dull. Only one of you noticed me."

They all stop talking and look at me, and I fold my arms in front of me. Suddenly, profiles of all of them pop up above their heads, telling me about them. After a second of the uncomfortable silence, Steve steps forward and holds out his hand. "Steve Rogers." I shake his hand, and say, "Marinette Stark." They look at me, wide eyed, and I say, "Cover name and the name I'm registered at in school ever since I began to live with Mr. Big Brains over here."

Natasha says, "I like her." Tony just rolls his eyes and I chuckle. I ask, "So, what do you guys want to know?" "Where did you come from?" Loki asks, and I say as clear as I can while slowly becoming tense, "Paris. I left my family. Left everything. There was nothing left for me there. Peter found me, then he introduced me to Tony. He took me in. Now I'm here."

Steve asks, "what do you mean by nothing is left for you in Paris?" I sigh, and say, "Well, I was bullied pretty bad, and my old parents were... okay but not the best. I had to get away from them. My class that was there is coming next week actually. For French American friendship week."

"Your old parents?" Bruce questions. "Tony and Pepper are my new family. They care. They are there. They are good people." I look around at them, and shrug. Tony says, "I think we should make a system for when her class comes, just in case. One of us will always be under cover, on the grounds, making sure she is safe. We will take turns picking her up and dropping her off, and pick her up for lunch everyday. Keep her under strict surveillance at school and make sure that one of us is always around. No exceptions. Maybe even in one of her classes have one of us as a sub."

Vision speaks up, "I can look like a human and substitute for her science class." Tony nods, and then he says, "I have a camera in her eye and we can track everything through that. We will have someone track what she sees while at school. Sound good?"

Everyone nods in agreement and I sigh. Can't wait till next week when I'm being watched like a hawk.

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