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Tony's Pov

I sit there, discussing about different ways the avengers could train, and the certain hours we have to work and other important things, when suddenly I hear Friday speak to me in my glasses. "Sir. I know that you said that I shouldn't disturb you but.." I then cut her off, saying, "Then why are you?" Natasha, Steve, Bruce, Thor, Clint, Wanda, along with every one else, looks at me. "Is this meeting not important to you Stark?" Steve asks, wondering what I am doing talking to Friday.

Friday says, "Miss. Marinette ate something that has made her had a severe allergic reaction and she could not find her epi pen." "What?!?" I say, standing up. "Show me her right now." Live footage shows Marinette running through the hallways, into her room. She leaves the door open so cameras outside of her room can still see inside. She is running back and forth, clawing at her neck and panicking and crying, not being able to find what she needs. She stops after a second, and begins to sway. She is still holding her neck, crying and shaking. Out of no where she falls and becomes limp.

I stand up and press the glowing blue light on my chest, instantly being consumed by my suit. Steve asks, "And where the heck do you think you're going?!?" I say, "I'll explain later. Peps," I say, looking at Pepper. "I need your epi pen. Friday told me that something happened to the kid." She goes wide eyed and opens up her purse, throwing me the tube. I instantly leave, flying at record breaking speeds, hoping that she isn't dead.

I get inside, breaking through the glass, and flying through the house to her room. I take off the suit as I get in there, kneeling by her side. "Friday what are her stats?" I ask, opening up the pen and stabbing her leg with it. Friday says, "I am not getting a heart beat sir, but her temperature is 101.3." I whisper, "No. C'mon breathe." I begin to give her chest compressions, and hope that she isn't dead. I say, "Friday, call 911 and tell them what happened. Tell them to get here now!" She says, "Okay sir." and contacts them.

I don't want to give her mouth to mouth, but I know that I have to. I lean down, blowing as hard as I can into her mouth, hoping that she breathes. I continue chest compressions, and ask Friday, "Is there a heart beat yet?" She responds with, "No, but the ambulance is on its way."

I nod, breathing for her again, and as I pull away, I hear her take a deep breath, and her skin is becoming less blue and red and purple from the lack of oxygen. Suddenly, I hear people running through the house, and yelling, "Stark! Why the heck did you leave?!? Some one better be dead when I find you or else you will be sorry." Stupid Steve.

Suddenly, I hear Nat behind me, and she yells, "I found him!" And soon there are several more footsteps following , all stopping in the door way. Pepper runs in, and asks, "Is she okay? Did she make it?" I nod, staring down at the girl and say, "She was dead when I got here. I had to give her C.P.R. and after a minute she took in a deep breath. Paramedics are on the way."

I look up from the girl, and take off my glasses. I begin to cry, which I never do. "She almost died. She was almost gone. Gosh, I have only been taking care of her for a week but I care about her so much more than I thought. She has become family to me." I put my head down, and wipe my eyes and my tears off my face. I whisper, "I can't imagine what her real parents are feeling."

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder, and Steve says, "I had no idea. But we all need to talk about this, soon." I nod, and hear sirens wailing, getting closer to my house. Suddenly, there is a huge knock on the door, and I ask, "Can someone go get that?" Suddenly, all of them move at once, and in a minute a few paramedics come in.

One of them asks, "Is this the girl?" And the other one says, "What a party we have here. The avengers and a teenage girl. Wow. This job." I want to punch the second guy in the face, but then Pepper speaks up, "Tony, I'll ride in the ambulance with her, you take the suit, and the rest of you can come how ever you want if you do want to come." They nod, and I step back into my suit, trying not to break down.

The paramedics place her on a gurney, and begin to carry her towards the truck. Everyone either gets ready to run, or gets in a big van that they must have taken to get here. I begin to fly, following the sirens and the wails.

Once we are at the hospital, everyone stares at us, but I can't find it in myself to care. The paramedics take her out of the truck, and into the emergency room, where they place her on a bed. We all surround her, and Steve asks, "Who is she?"

I shake my head no and say, "I'll explain everything after she is allowed to leave. We can come back to my house and all sit down and talk." He nods, and takes a seat on the end of the bed. I sit in a chair next to her, and everyone else stays close, but stays standing.

Around 30 minutes later, a doctor comes over, and says, "Well, what a party we have here. So, she just had an allergic reaction to cherries, by the looks of it, and we will send a few epi pens home with her, just to be safe. She is completely fine, but she might be extremely tired for the next couple of days, and so she should stay home from school. But other than that," he stops for a second and signs a form, "you should be good to go." We nod, and I pick her up from off of the bed.

Her head rolls onto my shoulder, and I smile, grateful that she is okay. I press the button on my chest, making the suit enclose me. She is still in my arms, but I can no longer feel her body heat against me. I begin to fly, and head towards the house, the others following me.

When we get there, I walk to her room and lay her down on her bed, so grateful that her lungs are filling and emptying with air. I take a second, then walk out of the room, where everyone else is. They stare at me, and I take off my suit. "What?" I ask, wondering why they are looking at me like I've grown two heads.

"Where did you get a kid?" Steve asks, rolling his eyes. I say, "We should wait to talk about this until she wakes up. I want her to be the one that tells you." He nods and says, "Tomorrow at 4 we will all be here to talk about it. I hope that girl -whoever she is- is okay." I nod, and they all leave, going to where ever they came from.

I sigh, and sit down on the couch, pinching the bridge of my nose. Suddenly, I hear, "Tony?" And I stand up as fast as I can and rush to her room. She is in there, sitting up, looking at me. "Hey kid. You okay? Do you need anything?" She smiles, and says, "No I'm good. Yeah I'm fine, just had a bit of a scare there for a second. Are you okay? You look like crap." I chuckle, and say, "That's the best compliment I've gotten in awhile. Yeah I'm fine. You just scared me." I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder and instantly know it is Pepper.

"You terrified him. He had never flown so fast in his life and you made him cry. You did the impossible Mari. Good job." She smiles, and motions for us to come closer, she stands up from off of her bed, and comes over and gives us a hug. "I'm fine. Just forgot to bring my pen." I nod against her head, taking in her presence, and warmth.

After the moment is over I say, "That was one of the scariest moments of my life. I can't imagine how your parents must be feeling." I made a mistake by saying that, because I can feel her tense and pull away. "Um, yeah. But I try to not think about them. They will get over it." I nod, not pushing the subject. "Well, you have a meeting with the avengers at 4 tomorrow in the front room. They want to know where you came from and how you showed up out of no where." She sighs, then nods, knowing that she can't get out of it. "Okay. I'll be there."

I nod, then say goodbye, heading towards my work space.

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