Thirty - Nine

12 1 0

◈ Luca ◈

It feels as if there's a thousand people in the street, people bustling to and fro. They go in and out of shops, some screaming this and that at one another using profanity far beyond me.

I walk with my hands buried in my pockets, my partially bare chest frigid under my suit jacket. I search the streets for a supermarket, finding one a moment later and slipping inside.

The smell is putrid, the air immediately changing as I step inside. I try to suppress my scrunched nose and disgusted demeanor. Aisles upon Aisles stand scrunched closely together, and I stride to the back finding two prepackaged salads with freshly cut chicken inside, quickly paying and returning back to the street.

I take in the fresh air again, relieved, my next destination in mind. I walk down the street farther, stopping into a clothing store and finding a set of womens clothes. I take a shirt and pair of jeans to the clerk, again paying quickly and stepping back into the beating sun.

I don't know what it is about her, but my body and mind hates being separated from her. I constantly want to be with her every waking moment day and night. Every time I kiss her I feel free, it feels euphoric. She brings out something in me that I've never felt before.

Last night, she took me somewhere. Every touch and every glance sent my mind spinning. I never knew that love could be so good, so special and sacred. It felt honest and pure, unlike anything I've ever experienced before. She is the reason I daydream so often, her gorgeous eyes are always the main focus of my mind.

I used to lose sleep over her, when she left. I never stopped thinking about her ever since; I always wondered if I would ever see her again, and God found her and led her back to me. I find myself daydreaming now as I accidentally run into someone.

"Mi dispiace," I say, but the woman only stares at my body up and down, obviously intrigued.

I squirm under her gaze, turning around to continue walking back to the hotel. The streets grow less and less congested, more people tucked away in small cafes. A sudden craving takes over me for some sort of caffeine, my body tired and drained of all energy. I step into a small cafe and order two medium coffees.

"Grazie," I say, smiling warmly at the elderly man who kindly hands me the coffees, slipping him a more than generous tip.

Like I said, I don't know what it is about her, but she brings out the best in me. I remember times where I would be rude for no reason, where I would be demanding to those around me if I didn't get my way; sure, I'm still like that, but she acts as an invisible guard for me, watching my every move.

I make my way back to the hotel, the clerk behind the desk bidding me a good morning, and I do the same. My hands are full with bags and coffee, causing me to stop at the lift and press the button pointing up. After a moment, the doors open and I get inside, pressing level six.

I grow more and more giddy like a young child, my heart and body excited to see Beatrice again. My skin longs for her touch and my lips desire hers. When I kiss her, it feels natural, right, we fit together like two pieces in a puzzle.

The doors open and I step outside, heading down the dimly lit hall to the room. I stop in front of the door for a moment, just listening, but I hear nothing. No TV plays and no sounds are heard from inside.

Maybe she's asleep.

She seemed to be similar to me in a sense that no matter how long she slept, she always woke up drained. But last night was the soundest I've ever slept before in my life, having her warm body wrapped tightly in my arms calmed me right to sleep.

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