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I awake to the sound of birds, their chirps a natural alarm clock in this new world of Venice. I groan in slight pain, my back and legs stiff and rigid with soreness. I struggle to stand, my legs wobbling beneath me. I reached for my bag, searching for the jade necklace which sank to the bottom under all of my clothes.

The street outside of the alleyway bustles with hurrying people and kind voices. Children laugh and play near the edge of the walkway where down below boats full of tourists and young lovers sail. I begin to walk close to this opening, my heart pounding and my mind ready, yet scared, of all the unknown things I'm yet to experience.

I step out from beneath the shade of the shingled roofs, and into the liberating sunlight. I inhale this air, my eyes involuntarily flickering shut as a smile commandeers my lips. People stride all around me, coming in and out of apartment buildings and small shops with store fronts made from old glass.

The skies are clear with seagulls flying together and landing atop the roofs that cover the island. Few cars drive the narrow streets for most people walk or bike under the beating sun to their desired destination. I walk along the streets, weaving in and out of the crowds of people around me.

I walk with my hands shoved deep in my pockets, all skin covered. The memory of what had happened last night haunted me, the image of that boy's face forever etched in my mind. Confusion engulfed me, and it soon gave birth to a fear that shattered my mentality. I kept my eyes low, my face pointed to the ground, yet I could still feel the boring eyes of those around me.

Every few feet, a door opened, a bell chiming and a paper bag crinkling. I place my hood over my head, lose strands of hair falling over my shoulder and drooping to the ground. I lift my gaze for a moment, peering at the names of the shops printed on signs above the doors. Bakeries, grocery, and petite clothing stores line the never ending labyrinth of buildings. My heart begins to beat faster and faster, anxiety and doubt inundating me. The streets grow more and more crowded, people everywhere.

My breaths come quick, and in a panic I hastily rush into an outdoor food market, covered with striped fabric and lit by the natural sun rays that peak through. I lift my gaze as I watch the people around me reach into bins full of fresh fruits. People peer down at iced selections of fresh fish caught from the Venetian Lagoon. As I walk further and further into the shop, my stomach begins to rumble, the brightly colored fruits and freshly grown vegetables bringing out my hunger. My mouth salivates as I stare down at each piece, and a sudden idea comes to mind. I instantly lift my gaze, searching the area around me for any suspicious eyes, and I find none. Slowly and carefully, I unzip my bag, the hunger becoming too much to bear. With no money, this is my only option.

Carefully, one by one, I take apples, oranges, a single pear, and a small package of nuts and stuff them into my bag. The bag grows noticeably larger than it was when I endered, and I stop, hoping that this little bit will last me until tonight. I throw the bag onto my back, my hood up and my gaze pointed down. I walk slowly to the exit, but immediately stop.

"Ehi! Ladra, ladra! Stop her!" A man shouts, outraged as he jumps in place pointing a rather long finger at me.

Gasps and startled whispers erupt from the people in the market, and my heart begins to beat faster and faster in my chest.

"Stop her!"

A man throws down his basket and charges for me, and I begin to run closer and closer to the exit. The man quickened his pace, and just as I'm about to run from under the shade, he lunges and takes hold of my leg, and he instantly shrieks a horrible scream.

Others around me shout and begin to crowd around the limp man on the floor, and I struggle to stand, my side aching from where I fell to the ground. Instantly, the distasteful smell of something burning fills the market as I immediately reach to my leg where the man has touched me, his fingerprints burned on my naked ankle.

Without another second, I rush to my feet and run. I run quicker than I ever have before, my heart accelerating in pace and lungs restricted for breaths. My side cramps as I reach a hand to squeeze it. From behind me I hear nothing but bewildered shouts.

"Ladra, ladra!"

"He's dead! Somebody call the medic! He's dead!"

I peer over my shoulder, tears beginning to blur my vision and burn my hot cheeks. People crowd in the square, hiding the man's body from my view. In utter bewilderment, people search and frantically look around the square, their necks flying around faster than a bullwhip.

"Where did she go?"

"Find her!"

People rush away from the scene in fear, distant sirens ringing and echoing down the narrow streets; and I run faster. The men and women around me stare at me in brief confusion as I rush past them, my hands in my pockets and my hood hiding my face from sight.

Soon, no one else is around, I spot no more feet on the ground and no more flailing skirts in the breeze from under my hood. I avert my gaze upward, finding myself in an empty street dead of all life. I stop running, my aching side seizing the left side of my body, and my face twists up in pain.

My legs shake from beneath me as I collapse onto the building wall, my back sliding down the wall till I hit the cobbled ground. A sob escapes my mouth as I lift my hands to cover my wet face. I hug my knees to my chest, unable to stand the light penetrating my eyes.

"What is wrong with me?"

I look up for a moment to the clouds above, "Dio," I stutter, "What is wrong with me?"

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