To keep her safe!! (Alberto x Black Shuck Shapeshifting Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Nuu you just got home..." I began to whimper, nuzzling under his neck.

Alberto's POV

I bit my lip and chuckled "well if you like, maybe you can come with me for a while?"

Her eyes brighten up and squeezes my body for a big hug.

Im guessing that is a yes.

"Let me change my shirt and head over to the motorcycle." I slowly got up, waiting for her to let go of me.

Heading over to our shared closet, I grabbed my white tang top and black jacket

"You gonna change puppy?"

She got up and puts on her shoes and adorable dress I got her.

I held her hand and head on over to my motorcycle.

I picked her up and placed her in the back of the bike, handing her the helmet which suits her color and personality.

Then I climbed in the front, hooking up my helmet.

"Hang on tight bambina."

Felt her tiny arms wrap around my waist and tugged onto my chest.

We rode down to my job which is near the boat shores.

Ercole's POV

Mama Mia where the hell is he?...I need him to help me sort the fish...UGH...why did I get this job in the first place...Id rather do nothing but look good than work...

"Ercole please help us sort...its not that hard.." One of the annoying fisherman said...

"Oh shut up! Alberto's good at that..."

I heard the sound of a motorcycle coming near...

Ugh finally he's here!

And oh~

Le mie telle, what do we have here?~

Never seen her before~~

Alberto and this bella walked over to me.

My she is so short and innocent looking. She's rather be with me than that monster fish...

End of POV

"Hey said you need help with sorting the fish?" He asked the catfish while Y/n wrapped her arms around his biceps.

Ercole smirked and walked over to her

"First of all, who is this stunning fiore hm~?" He asked with interest.

Alberto glared down at him and held her close "Ercole...this is my girlfriend, Y/n."

She blushed when he kept her close to his chest.

"Y/n, this is Ercole, my co worker...slash supervisor.." He rolled his eyes back to him, knowing deep down he's gonna flirt with his baby girl.

"Mmm è un piacere incontrarti~" Ercole bowed down to her and reached for her hand, but she pulls it away before he kissed it.

"she doesn't like that..."

"Why? You think she'll lose your scent off of you no?" He laughed to himself and sighed afterwards

Alberto's POV

I mean half of that is true. Her scent is spread all over me.

Hell we even shower together, so she'll be more connected to me while we clean ourselves.

Kinda reminded me of a cat...even though she is... anyways...

Even my scent is onto her, she's my mate for life.

Luca/Alberto x Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now