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"Ugh, newbies."






Fred walked down the gangplank with heavy footfalls, sliding his fingers through his mane of dark hair as he looked down at the crumpled parchment in hand. Down on the bridge, a group of newbies had gathered to get their pass to step abroad.

They had been questioned and the decisions had came easily. Delta had been doing it for a long time, so recruiting was easy now. She had learned to look through people.

Seeing the Quartermaster made the group quiet down. They looked at him curiously, getting in line as he cleared his throat.

"If your name is not called. Leave." he said simply, giving the men and women a cold glance. It wasn't rare when someone would get angry for not being recruited, most of the time they wanted revenge. Not all, but there always happened to be some people who thought they were privileged to get on board. Whether it was because they had more money or experience.

"However, if your name is called, make your way onto the ship immediately." his voice carried over them, then, he started reading the names. He wanted to get it over with as fast as possible.

"Carter Reyes."

Her disguise was immaculate, that was the first thing Delta had noticed about Carter. She looked like a man, acted like a man, but barely spoke. She didn't say anything, but she was curious.

Carter gave Fred a small nod of acknowledgement before adjusting her grip on her bag and making her way up the plank onto the deck.

"Vasha Vixen"

The woman was tall and lean and carried herself with honor. Her head was held high and her mismatched eyes easily overlooked Fred. She made her way up, following Carter into the belly of the ship to find a hammock to call hers for the time being.

There were other names called, rough looking men, older sea lions and women who were forced to wear disguises.

"Kiel Kruckow"

With that, Fred tucked the parchment into his pocket, earning a few glares from the people whose names were not called. The man was tall and graceful as he stepped closer to Fred, earning suspicious glances from few crew members who were standing close by, should someone become too displeased.

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