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"Awa' n bile yer heid"








In the early morning hours, the Serpent's Cry had made it to the Falicinia port. Although the sun had barely gotten out of the sea, the port was already awakening with scurrying sailors and drunken men trying to understand how had they ended up sleeping in a barrel. 

The crew had received their fair share of the raids and were now free to do with their belonging whatever they felt like. Was it buying a whore for a night, a new set of golden teeth, a mug of ale or even a monkey to rival BonBon's madness. It took a long time for them to get rid of their sealegs, being back on land felt as though reality was present once again.

The slaves too, were all allowed to go. Although they were told they could come back and join the crew officially if they wished, Delta didn't much believe in it. It rarely happened that they returned. A huge number of slaves would always travel to places where no one would even know their names, while some died of sickness and starvation because they had no idea what independence was.

While everyone else were marching down the port and disappearing into the sea of people, Cora was grumpily staring off the ship.
She really did want to get off for a little while and stretch her legs, but the wanted posters kept nagging her.

A young, slender girl dashed past her, pulling up the hem of her dark coat to prevent people from seeing her full face. Ivory gave Cora a mocking smile before she skipped towards the town. She huffed as she saw the twins running after her, creating havoc as they kept bumping into people as they went. She was convinced their pockets would be filled with useless junk by the time they had left the crowds behind.

"Don' look like that now, want me to bring something back for ye?" Freddie asked, stepping beside the redhead who was still glaring off into the distance.

"Nay, I'll go when it's dark" she said, earning a raised brow from him. He wasn't particularly fond of her going on port when the posters were so fresh out of the authority department. But Cora was a sharp woman, so Fred just nodded and left. 

Off the ship, in a dark looking inn that was filled with the boisterous sound of drunken men and the smell of old wood and ale, a few members of The Serpent's Cry had slithered their way inside. Kee and Dee were ogling a bar maid whose cleavage was rather low cut and curly blonde hair fell messily down her back. She sent a flirtatious smirk towards the twins as she lowered their food on the table. The two leaned in, only for the woman to draw back and walk away all the while swinging her hips seductively. Kee hit the side of Dee's head as he noticed the other watching. 

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