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"If rum isn't fixing it, you're not using enough rum."









The night was rather quiet except for the distant echoes of drunken men singing in the Inn close to the port.

Delta had long ago tuned out the awful singing that came from the ajar window as she sat in her cabin, a small candle lit before her. She was carefully copying the pieces of found map over to new parchment, making sure not to miss any lines, circles or triangles.

She was leaning over the old animal skins, brow furrowed and sleep deprived eyes darting between the old and new map to make sure nothing was amiss.

She jumped, nearly knocking the candle off the table as something heavy thumped against her door. She was immediately alert, hand on the sword as she quietly walked across the room. She unlocked the door, and as soon as she did so, she had to step aside fast as two bodies fell into the Captains cabin. Her green eyes slid over the quiet deck and flickered back on the groaning twins drunk off their asses.

She frowned, stepping out for a second to see if there was someone who would remove the two giggling drunkards from her quarters. Apparently, the deck was empty.

"Get out." her tone was cold and firm, she did not have time for their stupid antics. She had work to be done. 

"Listen Captain, listen." One of them, at this point she wasn't sure which twin was speaking. She could usually tell the difference by looking into their eyes. Kee had the shape of a flower in his right eye, while Dee's right eye was slightly darker than his left. That was the only thing that helped her see the difference between the two. But at this hour, both of their eyes were hooded and red from the heavy spirits they had been consuming. 

"shut up, ye cannae speak to yer captain like that." the second twin mumbled, hiccupping as he tried to push himself up from the floor. However, Kee had decided that staying on the floor was safer. 

"Get out or ye both will be cooking beside Grim the next time we set sail."  she said, this time glaring at the two drunkards who both were trying to explain to her something vividly. They were both using their hands, Dee tried to push himself off the wall but fell back against it with a small thud as the whole world seemed to go around and around in a rapid speed. 

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