"No, I did not. I mean I thought I knew. I thought he was my age seeing as he was in my class and well a sophomore just like me. I never actually questioned him about his age. Never even thought that I needed to." I answered truthfully.

"Okay. I understand. Why would you? You were in a relationship, and you like anybody else presumed you knew your boyfriend's age. A simple thing. No one thinks they do not know their own boyfriend's age. I get that. When did you find out?"

"Recently. Very recently."

"How did you find out?"

"Well, I got a call from my friend who told me Aaron was arrested and that he will be going to jail as is over 18. That's how I learnt that Aaron is 19 years old now and is indeed older than me. I never knew. I never even knew my own boyfriend's age. How pathetic is that?" I snickered a little. "I am sorry. I did not mean to do that."

"It's okay. I understand. We have all been there one time or the other in our life. We have all been lied to by our partners at the moment at least once. Especially when were teenagers. Still, I do not think any of us have been lied to about our partner's age. I mean any of us here can attest to that fact that when you are in a relationship you let your girlfriend or boyfriend know their age. It does not matter if you are ashamed of repeating a grade. But this lying and hiding one's age says a lot about a person. And Aaron Reuter never told his girlfriend his age. So how can we believe that he did not lie about everything else he told us in this court room? How can this young girl, Kristina be his character witness when she never knew Aaron? If a simple thing like age is hidden in a relationship, how can you attest that he did not lie about something else as well? I want the Jury to really think about that. Thank you, your Honor." She sat down.

Aaron's lawyer then got up again. I thought I could go back to my seat. I was sure. But then he stopped me with his hand gesturing me to stay put in a fraction of a second. "Okay I would like to ask some more questions to Kristina Monroe, your Honor."

The Judge waves his hand for him to continue so he walks towards me. He is hosting a very serious face. I should be nervous, but I am not. I just...I am not sure what I am feeling. Truth be told I am not sure what is happening anymore actually.

"Kristina, you told us that he never told you, his age. But did you ever ask him, and he lied to you... to your face?"

"Objection your Honor."

"Objection Overruled." The girl's lawyer sat down.

"So, as I was asking. Did you ever ask Aaron Reuter, your boyfriend, at the time, his age?"

"I do not remember asking him that. At least not sober."

"So, you were often not sober, as you said?"

"Well, when your boyfriend takes you to about a hundred different parties and offers you drinks, you generally do not turn down those drinks, especially when you are 15 and have never been popular so you were not really invited to parties before."

"So, you were pressurized by Aaron Reuter to drink at these parties?"

"Peer pressure surely. And later on, pressurized as well."

"Okay so you are saying is that Aaron Reuter forced you to drink alcohol after he took you to these parties hosted by popular people?"

"I cannot say for certain that I remember if he pushed the cup to my hand or not, but I do remember him saying something along those lines. And yes, these parties were always held by popular people in our school."

"Did you ever go to these parties alone? Before you met Aaron?"

"No never. I was never invited. I was not worthy enough to be invited."

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