Callie frowns, "I don't understand how. There's a ring on her finger."

I try to keep my laughter in, "Babe, it's okay. I don't think he saw from the way I was sitting earlier. It's all just a big misunderstanding."

The man stands and smiles at me awkwardly before leaving to join his sister. Callie's eyes follow him before landing on me. "We're going" she spits aggressively. My eyes meet hers as I lick my lips. "Now, Logan."

"Don't talk to me like that, Cal" I hiss.

I stand from the bench and shove my phone into my back pocket. I walk past my wife and head towards the car. Just as we make it out of the gates of the amusement park, the woman from earlier is met at my side. "Hi, did my idiot brother give you my number?" she questions.

I chuckle and shake my head. "Could I give you my number instead? I'm pretty sure my phone just died" I smile kindly. The woman nods her head and pulls out her phone. Once she gets my name and number, a wide smile is placed on her lips proudly.

"I guess, I'll call you later Logan."


Once she was out of sight, I noticed we made it back to the car. Eliza, Lisa, and Daisy get into the car first. Callie stares at me for a few seconds before getting into the driver side. 

The ride to Eliza's home is filled with laughter and small talk. However the minute we leave their house, the car goes dead silent since Daisy fell asleep. I already knew Callie was mad at me from what happened earlier but it's not my fault that other people find me attractive.

We make it home quicker than expected. Callie decides on taking Daisy to her room while I make my way to our room. I quickly get out of my shirt and pants, kicking them to the side and not bothering to put them away properly. 

My eyes land on my wife the moment she enters the room. She closes the door behind her and lets out a breath. Silence fills the room immediately as I get into bed and watch the woman strip from her clothes. Not once does she look at me as she turns off the overhead light and slip into bed.

I continue to watch her, waiting for her to say something but it never comes. Sighing, I lay down. "Are you going to continue to act like I don't exist?" I question, knowing she had her back to me. 

"Good night Logan" she spits sarcastically.

"Callie are you fucking serious? It's not my fault that someone flirted with me, you cannot take your anger out on me" I hiss.

The woman sighs, "Okay. Good night."

I clench my jaw, not at all in the mood for her mixed emotions. I climb out of bed, picking up my clothes from the floor and putting them back onto my body. I don't speak or even acknowledge my wife as I slip into some random shoes and leave the bedroom.

I did nothing wrong. I even put my feelings aside so she could have fun with her goddaughter and Eliza. And what do I get in return? Attitude for being hit on! I'm starting to think I shouldn't have gone with them in the first place. Today was a fucking disaster.

Before I can get to the door, Callie stops me. "Where are you going?" she questions.

"Out, since apparently, you don't want me here!" I hiss at the woman. 

I could hear her sigh. "Logan, don't say that. Of course, I want you here."

"I bet you'd rather Eliza be in that bed with you. You guys played the perfect family today" I say, knowing that I was seconds away from bawling my eyes out. I decided to be honest instead. That's what marriage is. You have to be honest with your spouse, otherwise, your relationship isn't going to get better.

"That's how I felt all day, Cal. Everything between the four of you guys just seemed so natural. You and Eliza don't have to lie about your past like we do. She was so great with Daisy. I didn't want to get in the way and be a jealous asshole. That's why I decided to sit this one out, but God Cal I was..."

She doesn't allow me to finish as she pulls me into a hug. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were having these kinds of thoughts. You should've told me earlier, I would've canceled or something."

I pull away from the woman, "I didn't want to ruin this day for Lisa. She only gets to see you on the 9th of every month. I would feel shitty if I had ruined this day for her."

My wife chuckles, wiping my cheeks. "I don't want anyone else baby. I've got my family right here. You and Daisy forever."

I can't help but smile through my tears, "And our son."

Her brows raise, "Yes. And our son. Eliza and I might not have to lie about our past but I don't love Eliza. I love you and I always will. It's just you, my love. Just you. And I'm sorry I was being a bitch. I know it's not your fault. But sometimes I just wish you would stop looking so beautiful to other people."

I chuckle and peck her lips lightly. "I'm sorry" I apologize as well. 

Callie shakes her head, closing the door. "No, baby. You have nothing to be sorry about. I should've noticed and I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I promise, I won't do it again, I'll pay more attention."

50 Shades of You {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now