Anyways, I got sidetracked. So, my sisters learned a little bit more about my past, a little more than they bargained for. As they never knew I liked pain medications a little too much. Nor did they know about the time I was ready to give up. Weirdly it came before the incident and of course it continued afterwards. In a more deep and sad way. As Zach puts it. Yet, my parents never asked me, about the change in my behavior, my demeanor. I guess they never really cared. I mean I hate them; I say that. But I don't think I can ever really hate them. Nor can I get used to the fact that they never really gave a damn about me, their daughter. If they did, they would have asked me at least once. And as far as I remember they did not. How ironic it is that my dealer cared more about me than my parents who were indirectly paying for my addiction?

So, today is the first day of the court case. And it happens to be during my senior year Spring Break. A little ironic cause the incident occurred during my sophomore year Spring Break. I am glad that its Spring Break now as I will not miss school for this because I am not going to let him waste anymore of my time. Yes, I am angry now. I have stopped fainting and I have certainly stopped being numb about all of it. Especially since I learned about the two other girls. Yeah, his lie about his age didn't help either. I just try to remember if Mr. Monroe knew about him, about us or not? And for the life of me I cannot recall that single piece of information. It's not really important but it is to me. As then I would be able to remember how he behaved every time he saw Aaron. I mean surely, he met Aaron, and saw him during one of his parties. It's not possible they never met but then again, I cannot remember it so maybe they didn't.

I do not know the names of the lawyers, but the names of girls are etched in my brain currently. They are Sara and Hanna. And they are friends. Both of them are freshmen. He did it to them on consecutive Saturday. Wow! I have no words after learning that. And the reason one of the girls did not blackout is because she takes some medication, so she drank like quarter of the glass to show him and then she kept the glass. But it reacted and thus making her unable to do anything except cry and shout. Unfortunately, her cries were drowned out by the music. That being said, the more I am learning about what happened unfortunately for me the more I am finding similarities with my incident.

I am shocked and appalled that he even got a lawyer to prove... what actually? Why am I his character witness? Does he plan to show they are lying? Or that he is innocent? Or I am not sure what this 'or' could be but maybe he is trying to show he made one mistake? I mean this is Aaron anything is possible with him. I am not taking the stand today. It's just the opening day with the case being laid out for Judge and Jury and only the girls are going to be called in the second half. Yeah, I don't think I can stay here then and remain calm while I have to listen to Aaron's lawyer contest those girls.

Liz stayed at the Court with Lee for the second half. Yeah, Lee came with us if I forgot to mention it before. Tori and I came back to our hotel, because no way in hell would I be able to stay calm hearing his lawyer cross question the girls. I mean why? What is the point Aaron is trying to prove? If it is only a matter of getting a short sentence, then...yeah, I guess that would make sense. Although I do not want him to walk out of jail anytime soon. He needs to suffer. I was pacing the rest of the afternoon while Tori watched me, and we both waited patiently for Liz and Lee to return.

Soon, it was evening. It was not soon enough though. But they returned. Both Lee and Liz seemed to be fuming when they entered the hotel room. Tori went to hug Liz, but she didn't even register her wife's hug. If you are thinking where the kids are they are with the Millers. Because this is not an ideal situation hence none of us wanted to bring them. Plus, Alex's school opened when my Spring Break started. Lee had a look that suggests she wanted to break stuff. I gave both of them water which they drowned in one gulp. That shocked me and also made me question what is going on. I did not have to wait long as Liz almost announced what got them fuming in the first place.

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