Chapter 42

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Maria's body is discovered in the woods just outside of Chesterton's city limits. She appears to have been asphyxiated to death, with no evidence left behind to aid in identifying the perpetrator. Word of Maria's death travels quickly through the city, and Nathaniel Roscoe is beside himself with grief at the news.

He spends a day at the little cabin they shared while Maria recovered from having her child literally ripped from her womb, tearfully reminiscing on the time they were able to spend together. It's a bittersweet memory, but one that Nathaniel will cherish forever. He had meant it when he said that he loved her; in fact, Nathaniel was hoping to propose, to follow through with their plans to run away and live happily ever after. With his job as a banker, he could have easily siphoned enough money from client accounts to give Maria the luxurious life she dreamed of. His heart shatters as he realizes they'll never have that. They'll never have the chance to build a life with one another.

Riddled with guilt and shame, but primarily due to the consuming grief that overtakes him, Nathaniel drives himself directly to the police station. He sits in his car in the parking lot, trying to convince himself to go in. It takes a few minutes to contain himself, but he eventually marches into the building with his head held high. While his posture oozes confidence, his disheveled appearance is an obvious clue to his distress. He approaches the first desk, firmly asking to speak to someone who is able to take a witness statement, as he has some crucial and incredibly incriminating evidence in the case of Cora Dalton's murder.

"I did it," he admits once seated in the interrogation room, the words mumbled between sobs. "I did it. I stalked Cora Dalton. I harassed her, broke into her house, and left threatening messages to scare her." After a pause, he quietly adds, "I killed her. I... I slit her wrists and shoddily made it look like suicide. I also intentionally used a knife that had Andrew's fingerprints on it. I was hiding in the pantry when he unloaded the dishwasher and paid specific attention to which items he touched. Then, I stole the knife and waited until I could use it to kill Cora and frame him."

Nathaniel's face contorts as his emotions become too excruciating to handle, sobs wracking his body as he heavily gasps for air. "I killed her and framed her husband," he says, his words borderline incoherent as he continues to cry.

While her sympathy for him is only feigned, the police officer consciously chooses to ignore her sudden interest in having the man before her tarred and feathered; it wouldn't be severe enough punishment for him, anyway. Instead, she silently places a box of tissues in front of him before asking, "Why did you do it?" It takes physical effort not to verbally berate the crying man, clamping her jaw tightly to prevent the harsh words from spilling out of her mouth.

Sniffling obnoxiously, he mumbles, "For love. I did it... I did it for her. So she would love me."

"Her?" The officer asks, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "For Cora Dalton? But why would you kill her if you loved her?"

Nathaniel shakes his head. After taking several deep breaths, he wails, "I did it for Maria!"

"You had a relationship with Ms. Ortiz?" she asks, seeking clarification.

"I loved her," whispers Nathaniel. In his profound sorrow over Maria's death, he momentarily debates whether he should mention the night he saved her after Andrew stole the baby from her body and left her for dead. Ultimately, he decides against it, not wanting to create more hassles for his friends; Richard Nelson would undoubtedly receive the brunt of it, and his previous indiscretions would likely also be investigated. There's no need to dig up everyone's skeletons; there's already photographic evidence of Andrew's actions, anyway.

After his confession is received and recorded, Nathaniel Roscoe is arrested for his crimes. He pleads with the officer to tell him the name of Maria's murderer; unfortunately, she doesn't have that information to give him. Nathaniel struggles to cope with the news as it fuels the already scorching fire in his veins. The heat of his undeniable anger toward whoever took his lover away from him is nothing compared to the debilitating sadness, though.

He isn't sure he'll ever be whole again.

Nathaniel is led to a holding cell and is quite surprised to see that no other than Andrew Dalton is waiting there. Andrew sits on the cold, cement floor, his head leaning back against the bars. He doesn't even bother to open his eyes as the cell door opens, and Nathaniel is shoved inside before it loudly locks behind him. Nathaniel shifts his weight nervously from foot to foot, mentally debating whether he should verbally acknowledge his former friend's presence.

Did the officers really think this through before locking him in a cell with the husband of the woman he just admitted to murdering?

Droplets of sweat gather on Nathaniel's forehead as he seats himself across the room from Andrew, trying to maintain adequate distance to prevent himself from being throttled. He watches Andrew in utter apprehension, silently waiting for the man to recognize the addition to his cell. It takes several minutes before Andrew's eyes open, and Nathaniel waits with bated breath for whatever is to come his way.

"Nathaniel?" Andrew asks in surprise, his eyes widening at the sight of his friend.

Gulping audibly, Nathaniel inclines his head slightly, unable to articulate a response as his insides turn into mush thanks to his increasing panic.

"What are you doing here?" asks Andrew, raising an eyebrow at the obviously terrified man before him.

"Murder," Nathaniel whispers in reply, his Adam's apple bobbing visibly as he swallows.

Andrew nods, choosing not to probe further. It's not any of his business who Nate had killed. He isn't in any place to pass judgment, considering he's in for the same reason. "Me, too," mutters Andrew, leaning his head back against the bars again.

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