Chapter 27- Part 1

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As he wipes the clear ultrasound jelly from Cora's exposed and profoundly engorged abdomen, a fresh wave of guilt crashes over Dr. Meyer. "Everything appears to be right on track," he states, forcing a gentleness into his voice to cover the immense sense of self-reproach laying claim to his consciousness. "Your baby measures accurately at thirty-five weeks, and your blood pressure level has been well controlled. Your labs returned unremarkable, as well. If everything continues to remain as such, I'd say you're likely to finish out this pregnancy in good shape and should deliver a healthy baby."

Cora smiles widely as she stretches her maternity blouse over her round belly before lovingly caressing the prominent bump. Nothing could dampen the sheer excitement coursing through her veins at this moment. Her utter exhilaration bubbles up her throat, exiting her mouth in an unrestrained, joyful laugh. Andrew smiles warmly at his wife, catching the happiness that reflects abundantly in her sparkling blue eyes.

Ed's stomach churns with the overwhelming intoxication of conflicting emotions as he thoroughly washes his hands in the small steel sink. He swallows thickly, forcefully dislodging the restrictive lump in his throat before it can take up permanent residence there. Turning toward the couple across the room, he asks, "Do you have any questions or concerns for me? Are there any problematic symptoms you've been worried about? Do you wish to know the gender yet?"

"Of course not!" exclaims Cora, her eyes widened into saucers. While such a response had certainly been expected, considering Cora's insistence that they're having a girl, the men in the room can't help but find amusement in her reaction. Andrew proffers a hand in Cora's direction, gingerly helping his wife from the exam table as the two pleasantly say goodbye to the doctor, leaving him alone with his haunting thoughts.

The relief that floods Dr. Meyer when the visit is concluded is minuscule compared to the massive amount of loathing he feels for himself. He's currently drowning in it, choking on his own self-hatred as it clogs his airways and constricts his lungs. Dropping himself onto his stool, Ed places his head in his hands, his mind whirring as he hopelessly seeks a solution. With Cora's due date arriving quickly, he's running out of time. Maria will surely set her plan into action when it will be the most detrimental to the Daltons... which could be at any moment now, considering they're only a few short weeks from the child's impending birth.

Frustrated with his own shortcomings, Meyer groans loudly. An inconceivable pain wracks through him, convulsing violently within his stomach. How could one as educated as himself fail so miserably at such a simple task as protecting his friend? He's had weeks to arrange a way to prevent Maria's impending attack against the couple, yet all his efforts thus far have been fruitless. Can he even consider himself Andrew's friend at all if he allows such unwarranted and excruciating pain to befall him and his family?

Dr. Meyer suddenly breaks into a cold sweat as his mobile begins to ring. With an unsteady hand, he fishes the device from the pocket of his lab coat, his eyes gluing themselves to the screen.

Maria Ortiz.

It's precisely what he'd been dreading; the impeccable timing couldn't possibly be a mere coincidence. The name flashing across the phone screen sends a shiver down Ed's spine. He hesitantly slides his finger over the green button before bringing the small electronic contraption to his ear. His eyes fall closed, and he takes a deep breath before asking, "Miss Ortiz?"

"The time has come, Doctor," Maria's voice purrs; she's unable to hide the elation in her voice. "Are you finally ready to declare your compliance with my plan, or is more persuasion in order?"

Silence stretches on for several moments as Dr. Meyer mentally debates himself. His heart clenches painfully as logic and empathy battle it out within his chest. A sharp pang spurs in his head, relieving Ed of his eyesight momentarily while he struggles to understand the right thing to do in this depraved scenario.

Impatiently, Maria snarls into the phone, "Time's up, Dr. Meyer. I'm already en route to your house."

A click sounds, alerting the doctor that the call has ended, and panic brutally attacks his senses. Stumbling from the exam room, he remains entirely unaware of his surroundings as he rushes home. He must arrive there before Maria does.

Ed blinds himself to the outside world with that goal in mind, focusing only on his current task. His car races through Chesterton, blatantly ignoring traffic laws as he disregards safety rules altogether. When he pulls into his driveway, he notices that the front door of his house is left wide open, causing his heart to plummet into his stomach.

She's already inside.

Dr. Meyer cautiously steps through the doorway, his eyes carefully scanning the ransacked house for the known intruder. Before he can spot her, though, Maria swings a shovel directly into Ed's face. As he crashes to the floor, blood spurting from his likely broken nose, he weakly tries to maneuver himself away from the perpetrator.

Maria stands over him, shovel in hand, a smug smirk on her usually beautiful face. "You should have agreed to join me," she says, threateningly pointing the shovel at the injured doctor. "Wouldn't it be better to be on the winning team for a change?"

"Miss Ortiz," Meyer forces out, holding a hand over his bloodied nose. "You need help. Let me help you," he practically begs.

"Shut up!" screams Maria, swinging the shovel once more. It connects with Meyer's head with a loud "crack," knocking the man temporarily unconscious. Maria tosses her weapon to the floor before stooping to search Ed's pockets. After successfully retrieving his phone and keys, she promptly removes herself from the crime scene.

Maria's car speeds away, leaving the doctor behind to suffer his injuries alone. Not an ounce of remorse can be felt by Maria as she sets off to achieve her greatest goal: to destroy Cora Dalton in the worst way.

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