Chapter 13- Part 2

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Waiting for the paternity test results is the most challenging and utterly hellish thing that Andrew Dalton has ever done, testing his patience to the very limit. As much as he hopes Maria's baby isn't his, there's a foreboding sinking feeling in his stomach that things may not turn out the way he wishes them to. Either way, Andrew refuses to admit defeat in the matter; he will not allow Maria Ortiz or her illegitimate mistake of a child to ruin his perfect life, especially not now, when everything is falling perfectly into place. Is this all part of Maria's plan? Has she so thoroughly plotted this scheme that she knew precisely when such a revelation would cause him the most pain? Is she punishing him for something? Andrew supposes only time will tell Maria's true intentions.

Andrew attempts to be emotionally available and mentally present when it comes to Cora and their baby, the darkness shadowing his heart an afterthought he tries failingly to ignore. While his desire to remain involved in his wife's pregnancy does not diminish, neither does the guilt that he feels for neglecting her at such a crucial time. Regardless of the outcome of the test, Andrew is determined to ultimately eliminate the threat Maria poses to his marriage and will use any means necessary to do so. His deeply rooted urge to preserve his perfect life will undoubtedly prevail, no matter the cost. The more he engages with Cora regarding their baby, the more assured Andrew is that he's making the right decision, temporarily easing the burden on his shoulders, if only scarcely. Although he feels relatively content with the progression of the favorable circumstances in his life, his weariness and frustration are unrelenting, unyielding, and they resume significantly intensified.

Just hours to go until he gets the answers so frantically sought after. Then, he can finally devise his master plan to rid himself of Maria and the disastrous repercussions of his indiscretions.

Andrew drums his fingers against his thigh as he feigns interest in the conversation around him. While his attempts seem rather convincing, he can't be bothered to concern himself with appearances. Understanding that he should give his undivided attention to the group of lawyers speaking about his current case, he simply can't afford to divert his focus from the possible scenarios coursing through his mind. If this were any other day or he was any other employee, Andrew would likely admonish himself for his blatant lack of effort, berating himself for his not inconsequential failure to do his job. This level of incompetence isn't something he would deep acceptable under any circumstances. Fortunately, he can't find it within himself to care at the moment.

Just as the meeting adjourns and the room empties of the expensively dressed and overly talkative men, Andrew's phone rings. He gawks at the screen for several seconds with bated breath as Ed Meyer's name flashes across it. "The verdict?" he practically breathes out, his voice rushing out hurriedly as he picks up the call.

"Dalton," Dr. Meyer begins, cutting himself off. The singular word is followed by a long and agonizing pause that somehow both says nothing and everything simultaneously.

The silence burns through the phone, scorching into Andrew's skin and seeping directly into his veins; he's about to internally combust. He knows exactly what his old friend is trying to tell him, but something within him needs to hear the words for himself. He needs verbal confirmation. "Meyer," Andrew says, his voice a hoarse whisper. "The verdict?" he repeats, this time more steadily.

After briefly hesitating, Ed responds with a deep sigh and a single word, "Guilty."

The phone drops from Andrew's hand, clattering to the floor, the screen irreparably shattering upon impact. The electronic device isn't the only thing to break; Andrew is quick to follow its example. Collapsing into a nearby chair, he holds his head in his hands and does his best to control the war raging within him. His breaths come short and labored, his lungs struggling to get enough oxygen. Suddenly, his tie is too tight, the room too small, the walls crashing down around him. Everything is overwhelmingly constricting, and he can't breathe. As his entire world threatens to crumble beneath his feet, Andrew Dalton realizes precisely how massively he has screwed up.

He's the father of Maria's baby.

The sound of the door creaking open snaps him out of his stupor, his eyes instantly redirecting themselves to the intruder. Whoever has the nerve to interrupt his breakdown could at least have the decency to knock before inviting themselves into his private affairs. As Maria stands before him with a smug smile on her lips, Andrew's anger pulses, pushing itself to the forefront of his whirlwind of emotions. His feet lead him in the direction of his former mistress, meeting the ground in heavy, rapid steps. Before he can think it through, he shoves Maria against the wall, holding her firmly in place. "Speak to no one of this," Andrew snarls viciously, his face only inches from the terrified woman's. "Or the repercussions will be dire."

Eyes wide with fear, Maria only nods, unable to properly form a vocal response. She watches the tumultuous storm flickering in her lover's hazel eyes, mesmerized by the torrent of emotions. While it isn't the reaction she had hoped for, Maria is appreciative that Andrew is feeling something toward her. Even these tiny scraps, the seemingly small shreds of Andrew, are enough to sate her for now. Tearing himself away, Andrew stalks out of the room, intending to put as much distance as possible between himself and his secretary.

Releasing a shuddering breath, Maria straightens the fabric of her rumpled blouse as she attempts to calm herself. She's never seen Andrew like this before; she has to admit that his sudden display of aggression was petrifying. What is that horrid woman doing to him? This isn't the Andrew she knows.

Returning to her desk as if she isn't even slightly rattled by the scene in the meeting room, Maria continues to plot against Cora, her intentions to destroy the woman's life overtaking her entirely.

Now is unquestionably the time to put her plans into effect; it's time to dispose of Cora, once and for all.

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