Chapter 15- Part 3

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Sluggishly, Andrew enters his office and unceremoniously drops his briefcase on his desk, uncaring that the latch opens and his files spill out onto the otherwise tidy surface. He wishes he could effortlessly dispose of all his burdens like that; if only he could simply extend his fingers and relieve himself of them so easily. Unfortunately, some things aren't so simple to ignore. Immediately setting to work, Andrew straightens the mess he's made and tries to wholly immerse himself in his case, hoping to entirely distract from the haunting memories on replay in his unsettled mind. He intends to disregard all thoughts of his father altogether.

The door opens without warning, Andrew ignoring his heightening frustration that once again, someone is disturbing him without knocking. Maria walks into his office with a smile on her face, her eyes glimmering with an unmistakable fervor. Andrew keeps his gaze down, intently focusing on the file before him in order to prevent himself from displaying the rapidly increasing displeasure he's feeling. While he wouldn't mind unleashing his pent-up anger on Maria, Roscoe and Associates isn't an appropriate place for such an outburst. Swallowing thickly, Andrew tries determinedly to choke back the barrage of viciousness that threatens to escape him, triggered merely by his secretary's uninvited and profoundly unwanted presence.

It would be greatly appreciated if the woman would just take the hint and leave him to his own devices. Why is she constantly winding him up?

"Good morning, Mr. Dalton," purrs Maria, a suggestive undertone present in her voice. "I've been looking forward to seeing you today," she continues as she closes the door behind her and crosses the room.

"I'm really not in the mood for visitors, Miss Ortiz," Andrew says pointedly, still refusing to raise his eyes from his mountain of paperwork. "Perhaps tomorrow would be more suitable for this conversation."

Maria persists anyway, completely dismissing his warning. She refuses to waste a second that could be spent fulfilling her goals. Eyeing Andrew up and down, she says, "Well, I believe you'll change your mind after hearing what I've come to say." Leaning her bottom against the desk beside him, she crosses her arms over her chest, her gaze never leaving him. "I want to continue seeing each other," she declares, finality in her tone. While she wants nothing more than agreement from the man she loves, a small part of her hopes that he'll object; an argument is the only way she'll be able to tell him exactly what's on her mind; it's all a part of her evil plan.

Struggling to contain the fury boiling in his veins, he remains silent. Closing his eyes, Andrew clenches his fists and takes a deep breath as he tries to calm himself. This woman really knows how to push his buttons, doesn't she? And today, of all days.

"I have a few stipulations that need to be specified," Maria proceeds, paying no attention to Andrew's apparent distress. "The first one is that I want to abolish the 'no sex at work' rule."

Rage. White-hot rage burns in Andrew's eyes, wholly obscuring his vision. He's blinded by it, his brain and body no longer cooperating with each other even remotely, the two entities taking on their own plans; he can no longer control either. Maria really should have simply left him alone; it's unfortunate that she so insistently pesters him. Pushing his chair back, Andrew rises to his feet, his eyes flashing dangerously at his secretary.

Although she should probably be petrified of the fuming Andrew before her, Maria can't stop the smug smirk from spreading across her lips, an odd sense of excitement blooming in her chest; a reaction is precisely what she wanted. "Before you deny me, Mr. Dalton," she says, her voice sickeningly sweet, "I think you'd like to know that I have a copy of our baby's paternity test results. I'm not at all afraid to deliver them to your precious Cora, and I know how much you'd like to keep this from her."

What Andrew had initially thought to be just another of Maria's absurd propositions is, in reality, a twisted form of blackmail. Of course, she would stoop to such unmentionable depths to receive unlimited, undeniable access to him; he should have expected this from the wretched woman. Unable to contain himself any longer, Andrew lets out a roaring yell. His reaction startles Maria, who unsuccessfully tries to back away from her boss without further angering him.

"Get out!" he shouts, aggressively slamming his fists into his desktop. "How dare you come in here and make such demands of me! Who do you think you are?" Andrew growls, violently shoving everything contained on his desk to the floor. A whirlwind of papers flutters through the air before littering the entire room; paperweights and staplers go flying. "This is my office, Miss Ortiz! And in this building, you are nothing more than a secretary who could easily be replaced! Learn your place, woman!" he continues to shout. With nothing left to destroy, Andrew's attention turns to his chair. He grunts as he picks it up, another enraged cry leaving his throat as he recklessly throws it across the room; he watches it hit the wall and bust into pieces, bits of plastic, metal, and leather clanging to the ground.

After several heaving breaths, Andrew manages to calm his fury enough to assess the damage. He glances around the wrecked room, taking in the sight of the destruction before finally noticing that Maria has left.

He's alone.

Andrew finds comfort in the solitude, the only thing he had asked for since arriving at work this morning. He greedily gasps for air, his legs unsteady beneath him, barely supporting his body weight. Crumpling to the floor in an exhausted heap, he lets out a slow, shaky breath. A single tear rolls down his cheek as he wills himself to calm down. Wrapping his arms around himself, he offers himself the only bit of consolation that could comfort him right now; his own embrace protecting him from harm, just as it always has.

What has he done?

Picture PerfectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora