"Hey, I'm right here!" It roared and gave this adorable smile.

"Uh.." I muttered as I took a step back, "You-.. Hi?" I said in confusion as I leaned a little closer to see it.

"Hello! My name is Leon and I am the Lion Miraculous. You must be my new owner, you're wearing my earring. Wow, it looks really good there!" It flew right near my face to look at the earring.

"I-I'm sorry, do you want it back?" I stuttered out of slight fear as I reached for the earring.

"Nah, master gave it to you for a reason. Hey, do you have anything to eat?" It asked quickly and flew around my room.

"Um, yeah, is there something you have in mind?..." I asked and felt so confused and almost scared as I followed this tiny animal out of my room then to the kitchen.

Suddenly it gasped when I opened the pantry door. It basically empty besides what snacks I had from the plane ride. I haven't got to go shopping yet..
"Beef jerky!" It shouted and flew inside the bag!

"Um, uh, are you magic? Do you want me to take some out of the bag?" I asked and looked at it through the clear plastic.

"Yes and yes" I said and flew out to me.

"Okay.." I hummed and took out the bag then grabbed a piece of jerky for it to eat. "So your name is Leon and this earring is like.. a magic lamp? Like from Aladdin?" I asked as I tried to connect the pieces while it ate.

"Who's Aladdin?" It asked with a mouth full.

"Never mind him, why did your master give me.. you? Or this earring or-" I asked in confusion.

"Not sure but it's probably to stop crime" it told me and fished off the jerky. "If you say 'Leon, let's roar' you'll see what I'm talking about" it said happily.

"Okay.. Leon, let's roar" I said feeling even more confused.. till I realized what was going on. My clothes changed into something tight, something like a superhero's outfit and I even had a mask! My hair puffed up more than usual and I had very light blonde streaks in it somehow. Not to mention the little ears and tail. Well, I say tail but it's a ribbon, belt, thing.

"I'm a superhero.. that's what it was saying.." I muttered to myself as I walked back to my room and looked in the mirror. "I mean.. at least I look cool.." I muttered as I looked at myself. On my hip was a chain. It was a little heavy and I didn't exactly know what to do with it. When I picked it up, it turned into a sword! Like totally shifted and got sharp! Then I dropped it, it was a chain again. When I picked it back up, it grew longer and- I have no idea what's happening! For some reason, I just knew what I should be doing with it. It's like ladybugs yo-yo, I can swing with it. I went to my window and next thing I knew I was flying outside.

I didn't have any words! Paris was different from above, I could feel just how easy it was to glide through the breeze and smell the scent of all the trees. New York was nothing like this! When I was there I could just go to the top of the building but even that didn't compare to Paris! This place is beautiful, beyond anything I've ever seen. I doubt I'd ever feel this way if I weren't flying over it!

The first place I went was the Eiffel Tower, it was the thing that most stuck out to me here. It was far but didn't take long to swing to. These chains are incredible and just keep adding onto each other. They almost have a mind of their own! I swung so fast. Suddenly I brought myself up to the clouds! Even now floating in the clouds, I didn't have any words for this experience. I slowly began falling back down with a smile on my face. I could see people below and they seemed to notice me too. Just barely before I hit the ground, I swung far off down the street. People stared and smiled and waved. Then I finally made it to the Eiffel Tower. It was beautiful, way more than I ever thought. I finally let myself touch the ground again as I stood in front of this.

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now