Ch. 41 - The Council

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The room was silent after Elle hung up. No one knew what to say from the load of information that August had just told them.

"Mom," Glen said, managing to gather herself. "We have to tell the Council now."

August shook her head. "How are we to explain? We've been hiding this for centuries."

"The damage caused by Nix's manifestation is one of the reasons the Council is coming in less than an hour, Mom!" Glen tapped her foot on the wooden planks. "What are we going to tell them, that someone had a freak accident and spilled corrosive material on the floor that only wrecked the floor and nothing else?"


"Lady August, I think Glen is right." Ivy touched a shoulder to August's back. "I know it'll be hard, and the Council might dish out a hell of a punishment, but you'll have to tell some sort of story. It's no good covering it up with a lie when time is at stake. You'd rather have the punishment they give than for them to find out and come down on you Nardens even harder." Ivy wrapped an arm around Glen. "If you own up, they might go easier."

"But what about Elle? She's also a NaturalBorn. If we told the Council without Elle knowing, she'd be furious." August argued. "Should we call her back now? We can still get a call in."

Glen hailed Ellie. The latter didn't pick up, so she left a text message explaining everything. "Well, now we wait, for the Council to come."

"Hold on a minute, Momma. Mellie even asked us if we shared it with our friends." Nix butted in.

"If she said that, I think she wouldn't mind us telling the Council, right?"

Cass clicked his tongue. "She might've just been preferring to tell the group and not the Council. There's a difference between close friends and the government, however close they might be."

"But... I don't understand why you're worrying that the Council wouldn't like it." Pressed Nix. "It's not like our abilities are dangerous. Glen can heal, for God's sake."

Glen swung her legs off the bed and dusted herself off. "Well, I can heal, big brother, but you broke the floor."

"But I didn't mean-"

The door rattled. "It's Em! I'm here."

Ali got up to open the door. "Mom!"

Em swept her daughter into a hug. "Hello, darling."

"Hi Lady Em," Ivy and Glen said.

"Morning, everyone. I apologize for taking so long. I received news that we have plenty to celebrate today so I decided we may need more to eat." Esme snapped her fingers and a picnic basket half the size of a bed dropped into a surprised Ivy's arms. "Glad you're back with us, Nix. And congrats to you and Glen, too."

Nix grinned. "Thanks, Lady Em."

Glen flushed.

"Just Em is fine."

"Um, could we get started on the pastries? I'm holding this giant pamper and the smell of butter and sugar is starting to get to my brain." Setting the basket down on a rickety bedside cabinet, Ivy eagerly dug into the freshly baked treats. "Custard bursts, Ali, your favourite! My goodness, Noah, there's mallowmelt! Gosh, Em, you know how to read everyone's mind here."

"Well, Ali and Ira are the telepaths, not me."

Noah accepted a slice of the sticky pie from Em, and Ali took a custard burst so full it threatened to explode over her sleeve again. Glen and Nix scrabbled over a tin of prattles, while Ira and Ivy split an apple crumble.

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