Ch. 40 - NaturalBorn (and Elle)

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"What do we do, Elwin? Should we contact Lady August and Glen?" Ali cried, scrambling to the edge of her bed.

"Noah too?" Ivy added, setting down the basket of berries. Bullhorn went after them, his little ferret head buried deep in the sweet navy pearls.

Elwin gripped the Imparter harder. "Yes." He said through tight lips. "Yes, everyone who was involved with this. I also want to ask August if she would know anything about Nix's situation."

"Okay, I'll call Glen up and ask her to come." Ivy pulled out her own Imparter, while Cass tapped his foot nervously against the planks as he waited for Em to pick up.

Glen answered first. "Ivy, what's up? You look worried." She said. Her voice was about as worried as Ivy looked at her screen.

"The Council is coming to ask us questions in two hours." Ivy told her, skipping questions. "They just contacted Elwin. We need you and Lady August to be here by then, maybe earlier too. Elwin wants to ask your mom about some of Nix's stuff." Ivy prattled off. "We haven't a lot of time."

Ali peered over Ivy's shoulder and chimed into the conversation. She was shocked to see that the younger girl's hair was all messed up, and a little of her makeup was running. "You okay, Glen? Your hair's... awful."

"Oh, I know, I've been up all morning. I'll try to get here with Mom in a bit. I've just got to tidy up some... things." Glen said. Then she added in a whisper, looking to the side, "God, this headache is awful. Anyways, Ivy and Ali, I'll be there soon." She said hurriedly. Then the screen faded back to silver.

"Did you catch what she said about a headache? Is she okay?" Ali looked at Ivy as she put the Imparter away.

"Headache?" Elwin repeated. "Good that she's coming over, then. Ali, you should reach out to Noah too."

"Oh, right." She reached for the silver square on her beside, and hoped that it wouldn't be a red flashing message again. "Show me Noah Palafox," she said out loud to the Imparter. Cass frowned slightly at the mention of his name, but he didn't comment.

Ali's fear needn't come true, as Noah's beaming face swam into view, his hair sopping wet and water running over his shoulders. "Ali! Hi! How are you? Can I come visit?" He rattled on excitedly. The sound of crashing waves hit the speakers, then the Imparter fell.

"Noah! Are you okay?"

"Whoops," said Noah, as he picked it up again. "Sorry, it's very windy on the beach. Can I visit?"

"In fact, we need you to visit. The Council told us they're coming over in two hours and you need to be here for it." Said Ali.

Ivy popped in. "Get here quick, everyone else is on their way."

Noah's beam fell away. "Oh crap. Okay, I'll just pack up my things and I'll be there in ten. Meet you at school." Then the line cut off.

Ali dropped the device onto her bed and flipped down backwards on it. "Ow," she mumbled as a flash of heat crossed her chest. "Dad, is Mom coming soon?"

"Yes, dear." Cass said from the windowsill. "She's bringing some treats."

"Here, hold this, I made it by accident earlier," Ivy handed Ali a little bird made of ice. "Lady Em's custard bursts are the best. Why doesn't she have her own bakery, Lord Cass? Maybe you Vickses could invest in starting one. I'd be there everyday."

"We'll see, after how everything turns out." Cass replied with a small smile.

Elwin came back from the back room holding a vial of what seemed like moldy cottage cheese. Complete with the smell.

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