During the school day it was very hard getting from class to class with crutches. Lucky for me I have friends to help. I went inside the gym for volleyball practice before anyone else and picked and volleyball. I begin just practicing setting,then passing to myself. Then Coach Smith comes in but I am to slow to put the ball back before she notices me.

"Aurora." Atlest I thought I backed away in time.

"Yes?" I try to act like as I did nothing wrong.

"You have to stay off your foot and staying on it will only make you out for even longer."

"Coach Smith I can't live another day with these crutches in this school. It's so hard and I just can not do it. Nope. I rather die!"

"How about this, every time I see you without your crutches unless the doctor says other wise. You have 2 push ups per time; However many you have by the time your ankle is fine you will do them."

"Coach please they hurt like heck and people have been babying me all day and I'm tired of it. I just want to play volleyball."

"Look I understand that it's hard, but Aurora sweetie look I know okay. Who wants to sit out from the sport they love. You have to understand though if you don't sit out right now you may not you may put your self in danger of never playing again."

"If everything heels right I'm supposed to get a boot the week after next can I play then? Please."

"If I get a note from you doctor and your mother. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am. What do you want me to do at practice since I can literally do nothing."

"Homework,Study, or help your teammates."

"Study why do I need to st-."

"Stop right there." Coach Smith cuts me off. "You know I can see you grades correct?"

"Yes I know my grades are high enough for me to play sports though."

"Yeah by 3 points. I telling you now, I want your grades higher than they are right now before you go back out on the team. I also want you to maintain and if you do your bench."

"Ughhhh!!!" I hate this.

"You can go into my office and do your work if you need any help ask too."

"Yeah okay." I head off to her office.

I look and see my teammates come in and warm up. I miss it already I don't how I ever wanted to quite. Now that I'm injured though it's super hard. Life has just been hard in general. my Mom and Dad are barely around. Well my Dad, I guess he is around more than before he got the job, but my Mom she is around less around. My G-ma is basically kinda maybe or maybe not raising me. On top of all this Ziva my godmother died and nobody ask how I was. Nobody ask about how I felt about Tali and Tony moving across the world. The sound of my phone vibrating distracts me from my thought. I pick up my phone and see it's a message from Caleb.

Caleb: What's up.
Me: Nothing just you know sitting on the sidelines not able to play for the next maybe one or two months. Anyways wyd
Caleb: Just finished homework

"Torres" I hear and look. It's Coach Smith. "Give me your phone and do your work."

"What.Why. Please."

"Why, two reasons one your not supposed to have your phone out and two I told you go your work. I'm just holding this; would you want me to bring it to the office though and your mom can pick it up?"

"No I'm fine Thanks." I replied sacristy.

Once the team is done practice this vote on who is captain between me and Princess. Everyone except for two people vote for me and I am captain again when I'm able to play again.

Before going out the gym I go by Princess and the first words that leave my mouth is " Look Coach Smith is watching us so don't make scene. Anyways, I came to say sorry your not the captain and your not dating Celeb."

"Haha no child you got it confused, I'm sorry your with Celeb. Should ask him why me and him broke up."

"I didn't know y'all were dating."

"There is a reason for that."

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