"May I please have all the volleyball varsity players come in the gym at this time." Brianna and I  leave out of math class and head to the locker room to change. When we have away games we get to leave school early which is the best.

  After changing we head to the bus. Zoey and I  always go sit in the very back with Iris, Janiyah and Summer. Iris and Janiyah are in 7th and Summer is in 8th grade. "Rora."


"Was there really a water fight in Ms.Swan class?"

"Iris girl, how you know? You not even in the same grade."

"Ms. Umm what's her name. Oh, Ms.Brown she was loud like loud. Also, when me and Tay was walking we heard them talking about you."

"They were talking about me; Wait a minute who is they? "  I'm so confused right now.

"Coach Smith and Ms.Brown were the ones talking about you in the hallway."

"Oh, yeah that makes since. Coach Smith told me I have to set out the first set today because of what happened."

" Dang she really must be mad at you."

"I literally did nothing."

"Well all I know Rora is you better not get in anymore trouble this season before Coach Smith bench you for a whole game. That can't happen either cause we need you."

"Rora girl."

"Summer girl."

"We need you as captain too because Princess being co-captain is so annoying when you are not here."

"I know ya'll I don't like her either."

"Is everyone on the bus?" Coach Smith ask yelling.

"Yes," everyone replies. The bus starts pulling off.

"Aurora come here please."

Oh my gosh what does Coach Smith want from me now. I didn't even do anything wrong to day. "Yes." I say when I get by her.

"Come sit by me."


"Because I'm your Coach and also, I want you to sit next to me because of what you did in Science class."

"Coach Smith," she is giving me a look like she is annoyed with me. " Can I please play the first set today."

"What do you think the answer is Aurora."

"Yes." I say slowly trying to be funny but she was not joking at all.

"Your not playing the first set today end of story. Rory I'm also bring you home today."

"My mom had texted me earlier and told me. Can I go sit back in the back now?"

"No." I get a respond from both Coach Smith and Princess.

"Princess I didn't know your name was Coach Smith. I didn't know I was even talking to you anyways."

" Rory I was just responding back to your question."

"First of all you can not call me Rory because I'm not close with you or your not my family. So call me Aurora and only Aurora. Second learn how to mind your business."

The bus was very quite. " Aurora go sit in back!" Coach Smith tells me before anything else happens.

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