
59 1 0

Genre: fluff
Ship: Ruv x Reader
Context: it's a cold winter day. You and ruv are chilling out on the couch together

Today was a freezing day, not gonna lie. My plans? Just sit back on the couch, wrapped up in blankets, watching TV with my lover, Ruv. I felt like a warm rice all bundled in the fluffy blankets. A smile was planted on your face until you heard the rumble of Ruv. " Mind if I sit next to you.?" He had asked. " I don't mind, you can use any blanket," I smiled.

He sat next to me, wrapping a black blanket around his torso. I decided to toss one over his legs, causing him to chuckle. For 3 hours, we watched our show, having a little bit of conversation.

(Sorry its short.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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