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Pairing: Pico x Photographer! Reader
Context: You were working on some photoshoots when your lover, Pico, comes up.
( im doing this to soften your hearts from the angst chapter-)

( Y/N's POV)

I was sitting on the cliff ledge, holding  my photography camera. My camera, for some reason, wouldn't focus on the perched bird. The light was perfectly lined up, causing a beautiful silhouette for the bird. I let out a sigh of frustration, placing my camera down. " Why can't the camera juST FOCUS?!" I shout in anger. " You okay, love?" I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn and see my boyfriend, Pico. " Oh..hey," I grumbled. " What's the matter?" He asked. " The camera won't focus on the bird," I returned my gaze to the large flier.

" Just relax.." Pico smiled. He set his gun down and hugged me. I relaxed a bit. After a couple of minutes, he slightly lets go. " Wanna retry?" He looked at me. I nod and reached for the camera. I lift my camera up and, by the miracle, it focused. I realized it had moved its position. Clicking shoot, the picture was taken.

" I got the photo!" I let a cheet of victory. " Proud of you ( Y/N)," Pico congratulated.

ayo this adorable?

some FNF oneshots. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon