💗💀It's my friend!

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Roy + Spirit! Reader
Context: You had died and now were a spirit on earth. Your objective to go to peace was to protect a child. You were assigned with a boy named Roy.

I fluttered my eyes open and see I'm in a white room. " Where am I?" I asked no one. " The afterlife, my dear," a voice repsonded. I stood up and turned to see who it was. It was a ghostly white woman with gray hair and a silky white dress. " Who.." I started. " My name is Matilde Walker. Look around you, take a guess of where you are," she nodded.

I looked around. " A white room," I jokingly said. " Yes, yes. You have died, you see. To even make it to Heaven, I have a simple task for you." Matilde motioned me to follow her, and I did. Suddenly, a window appeared before us. " In that house, is a child you need to protect."

I looked at her straight in the eyes. " I will protect this child with all my life," I nodded. " Good, now go on now," she smiled.

I wake up again, infront of a wooden door. I passed through in and explored a bit, trying to find the child. I glanced at a mirror and noticed my appearance.

The child always has an imagine of a friend

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The child always has an imagine of a friend. You become it.

I stare at the mirror for a moment, then continue on. I stumble upon a door and walk through, seeing a child. He had red hair, a yellow sweater, and black pants. He seemed to be arpund 7 or 8. He looked up. His face lit up. " Oh my gosh! You look like Miths WillowRiver!" He leaped up and down. " Haha, really? Well, my name is (Y/N), yours?" " I'm Roy!" The boy smiled. " Well, wanna play, Roy?" I suggested. He nodded and went to get some action figures.

Time skip brought to you by Fnaf plushies

I had been by Roy's side for many years now. " What were you thinking?" I asked gently. He looked at me, " I dunno! He-He-He just went to us and challenged and I accepted! I just WANTED TO PROTECT MY FRIENDS" He cried, tears streaming.

I took him in for a hug. The 15 year old let it all out. " I'm sorry.." he sniffed. " It's okay.." I whispered.

The day had come. The day when Roy and this other boy, Micheal, were fighting. We waited at the edge of a cliff. " You think I'll win..?" He asked. I nodded. " We-" he never got to finish the sentence, the ledge gave out, and he fell. " (Y/N)!!!!" He screamed. I jumped after, attempting to save him, only to be too late.

" Wait..I'm.." Roy looked transparent. " You are, now let's go home."

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