Just then the pack doctor came running into the room with Minghao by her side. "I will need you to leave the room." The pack doctor said.

"I'm staying and that's final." Jihoon glared at the pack doctor which silent her at once. "Beta, go tell the others. And make sure someone look after Taehee." He told Minghao. He had no choice but to listen to the alpha.

Jihoon walked out from Y/n's room. "Hyung, is she okay?" "What happen to Y/n?" "Can we see her?" "Where is she?" Jihoon was shot with question from Dino, Joshua, Seungkwan and Minghao.

Jihoon looked at them, "Mingyu? With Taehee?" he asked and Dino nodded. "She's been crying before he managed to put her to sleep." Dino told her.

"So Jihoon, what happen?" Joshua asked him. Jihoon showed them a scissors. It still has blood on it. "This happened. Suicide attempt." Jihoon told them.

"You got to be kidding me?!" Seungkwan was surprise. Jihoon nodded, "The doctor confirmed it from the cut on her body. The pattern of the cut only possible when you're doing it on yourself. And those cuts were deep. It meant to kill her." Jihoon explained to them.

"But why? Did we do something wrong?" Dino asked. "We should probably wait until she's fully awake for the answer." Joshua suggested and they all agreed. "I'll look after her tonight." Minghao volunteered but Jihoon rejected his idea. "I'm staying with her tonight. All of you should take a rest tonight. We might have lot of works tomorrow. Good night then." Jihoon nodded at them before he walked back into Y/n's room.

"I know this is not the right time to say this...but Jihoon hyung...he's different now. Or am I the only one who think so?" Dino asked. "What do you mean?" Minghao looked at him.

"I don't know. I thought that he would gladly leave Y/n under our care. I mean, we all know how he disagree having Y/n at our place. I found it weird that he wanted to stay with her." Dino told them his point of view.

Joshua shrugged, "Maybe he's trying to be responsible on what happen to Y/n now that she's living with us. She's becoming one of his responsibility now, just like how we all are."

Dino thinks for a moment. "Hmm maybe you're right hyung. Okay then, I'm going to bed first. I'll be up early tomorrow and I'll check on Y/n the first thing in the morning."

"That would be great. Tell us immediately if anything goes wrong." Minghao said to him and he nodded. One by one, they leave the place. Minghao turned to look at Y/n's room one last time, *he won't do anything to her right?* he thought before he too, walked back into his room.

Jihoon POV

I sat at the chair that was in her room. I watched silently as she breathes evenly and I just glad she's still alive. I couldn't imagine having my mate die in front of my eyes.

Leaving the chair I sat on, I walked up to her bed. The pack doctor did stop the bleeding and treated her wounds but we still need to bring her to the hospital if her condition worsen by the morning.

I sat on the bed and gently I took her hand. Her wrist was covered with bandage after she made a cut there. "Why Y/n? Did we upset you?"

"Reject me."

I remembered her words to me.

I looked at her sleeping face, "Is it because of me? Did I cause this, Y/n? Is this how much you want me to reject you?"

A heavy sigh escaped my lips. I slowly brought her hand towards my lips and I kissed the back on her hand gently, "I'm sorry for being this selfish, Y/n but I will not reject you. You're my mate. You're my omega. And no matter what, I will make you mine. I will make sure none of this happen to you again in future." I rubbed her knuckles softly.


I looked around. The place looks so familiar. My hand felt something soft so I looked down and I realised I was on a bed. I looked around me again.

My heart race at once. It can't be. I left this place! They couldn't find me, right?!

The door to the room suddenly opened and revealed a man. My eyes widened in horror. Him. It's him.

"Hey princess." his gravelly voice said to me.

"N-No..." my voice came out brittle. "Pl-Please..."

"Look at you...fully clothed. You know I don't like that right?" he walked closer to me and I feel my breath shortened. I don't like this. I thought I manage to run away from this place. I thought I would live.

"Let's get the clothes off ey'?" he climbed onto the bed. "N-No..." I feel his hand on my thigh.

"No! Please! No!" I screamed and turned around.

"Y/n....Y/n!" I faintly hear someone called for me. "No! I don't want to." I yelled.

"Y/n, wake up!" someone shook me.

I quickly sat up with eyes opened and a loud gasp left my lips. I panted heavily and I could felt cold ran down my whole body.

In a moment, I was in someone's hug.

"No! Let me go!" I cried. "Please! No!" I tried to break away from the hug.

"Hey, Y/n! It's me! It's okay now! You're just dreaming!" a voice said but I kept crying, "N-No...-" the person then pushed me away. I felt a pair of hand gently cupping my face and fingers gently wiped my tears.

"Look at me, Y/n. Open your eyes and look at me."

That voice. I know that voice. His scent. It's him.

I slowly opened my eyes and came face to face with the alpha. "Al-Alpha..." not being myself and my right state of mind, I threw myself into his hands, hugging him tightly. "They...they hurt me. They did this...to me." I cried on him, ignoring the fact that he's an alpha and I'm not supposed to touch him freely.

But right now, I really need someone by my side.

I felt his hands hugged me back and at once I feel safe. I feel comfortable.

"It's okay now, Y/n. No one's going to hurt you. It's okay." His voice sounded so sweet like honey and soft like cotton.

I only cried on him afterwards.

The next morning, I woke up alone in the room. And I noticed there were bandage on my body. I keep thinking what had happen to me. Then it hit me.

I tried to kill myself last night. And I failed, again.

I tugged onto my hair out of frustration. Please god! Can't you just let me die?! I don't want to live! I'm not worth to live!

And I cried again.


Someone then walked into my room but I didn't care at all.


Minghao oppa.

I heard the sound of tray placed on the table. Soon I feel another weight on my bed. "Y/n, look at me." Minghao cupped my face and gently lifted my head. "Look at me, angel." He looked straight into my eyes. "Everything's going to be okay, Y/n." His voice comforting me.

"Minghao...oppa." I let my tears fell. "Why am I still here? Why can't someone just kill me? I've had enough of my life." I cried.

He pulled me into a hug. "Please do say such thing, Y/n. Please don't. We all love you, Y/n. We won't let anyone hurt you. You will keep living with us, Y/n."

I just cried my heart out.

Author's note : I've just completed my vaccination. I don't know how my body will react this time but if it does have effect on my body then I'm afraid the update for the next chapter will be delayed. I'm sorry for that. So everyone stay safe okay!

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