Chapter 12

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Jihoon POV

I was about to go to sleep when someone rapidly knock on my door.

What the hell man?!

"Alpha! I need your help!" I heard Dino from the outside. You know, it's weird for him to come to my chamber especially when it's almost 2 in the morning.

I lazily got up and went to get the door. "What's up?" I asked him.

"Taehee...she's leaving! And I don't how to stop her."

I frowned, "What do you mean leaving?" "I mean what I say, hyung!" Dino said.

"I can leave this place if you really hate an omega's presence. But I will leave not to ease you. I leave to ease my hatred towards you."

I remembered what she said to Minseo during the dinner. I groaned heavily. I'm not surprise if one day I decided to lock Minseo away for good.

"Where is she right now?" I looked at Dino. "Front door?" he answered.

I rushed out from my room and headed to the stairs.

"Let me go!"

I could hear Taehee's voice. I looked over from the stairs. "Taehee please. You can't do this. What about me? What about Dino?" Mingyu was pleading to her.

I crossed my hands on top of my chest. "Where are you going in the middle of the night, Kim Taehee?"

The people downstairs looked at me at once. Mingyu bowed, "Alpha."

I walked down the stairs. "Why are you leaving?" "You know the reason." Taehee didn't want to look at me. "No, I don't. Enlighten me about it." I said to her but she only pressed her lips into thin lines.

"Look, I know you hate her. You probably hate me for defending her. But she's my family too, Taehee."

"You could at least stop her when she starts insulting us!" Taehee raised her voice at me. Mingyu looked at her in surprise, "Taehee-ah! Alpha sorr-" "Not now Kim Mingyu." I stopped him.

"I'm sorry, Taehee but I can't let you walk out from this mansion. You're my family too. If you leave, know that not only Dino and Mingyu will be sad. I will too."

She didn't say anything.

"Please, don't leave. For the sake of your mate and your brother." I added. She only stared at me.

After successfully convinced Taehee to stay, I finally walked to my room. But some thought stopped my trail.

I was just thinking...if Taehee, who's already a member of the pack, and still affected with what Minseo said, would she affected too?

I gave a thought for a while. I let out a loud groan. I hate this.

I headed to the guest room and from when I'm standing, I can still see light from underneath the small space between the door and the floor.

She's awake.

Just then I heard the sound of door knob being twisted coming from her room. I quickly hid myself along the hallway. I pressed myself against the wall.

Wait, what am I doing again? Why am I hiding?

Finally the omega walked out from the room. She then hurriedly headed towards the stairs.

With her not around, I quickly sneaked into her room. At once her scent invaded my nose. Damn, she smells so sweet! How did I not notice this before? This is a strong scent!

I shook the idea out before I rushed to the table on the bedside. There's a paper with a pen on top of it. I recognised the pen. She always had it with her.

I read the note.

"I'm sorry and thank you. Goodbye. Kim Y/n"

I thought so. I crumpled the paper and shoved it into my pocket before I ran towards the stairs.

Luckily this mansion is big. It took a few moment to get to the front door and when I reach the stairs, she was there, trying to walk out.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Obviously she wasn't expecting me or anyone to be there. She turned around almost immediately.

I walked down from the stairs. "I'm asking you. Where are you going at this hour?" I watched as she took steps backward until her back was pressed against the door.

"Kim Y/n ssi?" for the first time, I call her name. And personally like how her name sound.

She was slightly shaking while she had her lips pressed into thin lines.

"I think it would be better if you speak now." I said but she only kept silence and it's frustrating for me. "I know you can speak. I saw you talked to the others. Now speak!" I had to use my alpha's voice on her. I had no choice.

She fell on her knees, shaking.

Shit! Did I overdo it?

"" She kept her eyes glued on the floor. "Look at me now, omega." I feel disgusted with myself that I had to mention 'omega'. I didn't want to do that.

She looked up at me. Her doe-eye were glossy because of the tears. I let out a sigh as I squatted in front of her. "Why are you leaving?" I asked.

"This is one wants" She tried her best to hold in her tears. I sighed, "Did anyone else tell you that?" "That lady...Minseo...and you."

Yes, and you Jihoon. You don't want her here too, don't you? Do I?

"Everyone else wants you here. Taehee would be sad if you leave. We don't want that right? It will be a big trouble for us." I spoke to her with some sort of soft voice. I mean what the hell? This is not me!

"I'm so-sorry...alpha..." she apologised.

"I take that you will stay?" I asked her. She only stared at me.

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