Chapter 17

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Third person POV

It was almost bedtime and Taehee headed towards Y/n's room with her pillow and blanket. She promised that they would have a sleepover at Y/n's room that night.

Taehee twisted the door knob but it's locked. She then knocked on the door. "Y/n, it's me! Open up." She called Y/n from outside.


Taehee frowned before she knocked again, "Y/n?" she called again but like before, no answer. Her hands rapidly knocked on the door while calling for her several times but still no answer from inside. Taehee started to feel ill in her stomach.

"What's wrong Taehee? What are you doing here?" Joshua suddenly appeared at the hallway.

"Shua oppa!" she ran to him. "I knocked on Y/n's door a few times but she didn't answer."

"Maybe she's sleeping?" Joshua asked her but Taehee shook her head, "Y/n is a light sleeper. She even wake at the slightest sound. I called her a few times but she didn't answer. The lights in her room are still on so she shouldn't be sleeping." Taehee explain to him.

Joshua walked to her room. He frantically twisted the door knob. "Y/n? It's me. Y/n?! Open up!" Joshua called but to no avail.

Just then another figure appeared. "What's with these noise?" Jihoon asked a little bit annoyed that they were making noises when it's already bedtime.

"Alpha!" both Taehee and Joshua bowed to him. He raised his hand to them, "Not the time for that. What's the problem here?" he walked closer to them. "It's Y/n. She didn't answer no matter how loud we call or knock. There's no sound coming from her room." Taehee told the young alpha.

Jihoon sighed, "We have spare keys for all the rooms. Let me get that. Meanwhile, keep calling for her." with that Jihoon fastened his steps to look for the spare keys and when he returned, Joshua and Taehee were still knocking on the door. This time another person was there; Minghao. He was too, knocking on the door.

When Jihoon arrived, they gave space for him to unlock the door and when he did, they spent no time and rushed into the room.

Taehee and the others looked around the room; no sign of Y/n. Minghao hurriedly ran towards the closet and open it to see if she's in there but she's not in closet.

Jihoon walked towards the closed bathroom door. With his heart racing so fast, he twisted the door knob and pushed open the door.

His heart fell at the sight in front of him. "Y/n-ah!" he ran into the bathroom. He looked at her naked body covered with cuts and blood.

"Yn-!" Taehee then let out an ear-piercing scream. "Bring her away!" Jihoon used his alpha's voice. Joshua quickly brought Taehee out from the room, probably bringing her to Dino's room.

"Y/n-" Minghao walked closer to Y/n but Jihoon's next word stopped him. "Look away, Beta!" again, he's using his alpha voice.

Jihoon quickly snatched few towels from in there and trying his best to cover Y/n's body. "Beta, get the pack doctor here this instant!" "Will do, Alpha." Minghao rushed out from the room to find the pack's doctor.

Jihoon looked down at his mate. *what happen to you, Y/n?* he noticed the scissors on the floor. It has blood on it.

Jihoon frowned deeply. *it can't be!* he quickly went back into the room and gently placed Y/n's on the bed. He then checked on her pulse, just to make sure. *shit! She's getting weak.*

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