Chapter 35

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Third person POV

"So it's confirmed that it's Iron Banes?" the alpha of the north asked. "My pack member caught one of the wolf from the pack this morning." The alpha of the south answered. "Did you get anything from him?" Jihoon asked.

The alpha of the south shook his head. "No. Even after those torture, he won't give anything. Not even a name."

"Is he still in alive?" Beta Minghao asked. "Yes. We keep him in our dungeon at the moment and we have our best fighter to look after that place." The beta of the south answered.

Seungcheol turned to Jihoon, "Alpha Jihoon, do you think this movement from them have anything to do with your mate and her twin brother?" he asked.

The pack of the north and the south looked at Jihoon in surprise. "You have mate?!" "Ah, yes. I just didn't officially announced it yet." Jihoon nodded.

"Congratulations, alpha. Never thought someone as cold as you would finally found a mate." the beta of the north joke. "Yes. And I thought he would be the last to find mate." the alpha of the north agreed with his beta's statement. "You are not alone then." The alpha of the south also joined the group.

Jihoon sighed, "Am I that bad?"

"Yes!" the others answered.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan giggled. "Right in front of your face, kid." Seungcheol said.

"Anyway about my mate and her twin brother...." Jihoon told them how they could possibly relates to Iron Banes. Of course, Jihoon left out the part Y/n and the other omegas are used as sex slave. It's enough if they know that the omegas are captured and kept away from the other in their dungeon. Nothing more, nothing less.

"So, what should we do now?" the beta of the south asked for suggestion. "Well, according to both of them, Iron Banes is just small group but they are ruthless. We don't know how strong they are yet. So I suggest we keep a close eyes around the border." Minghao told everyone in the meeting room. "I agreed with Minghao. We could probably look after each other border. That way we can react faster if any of us see someone's suspicious." Jeonghan supported Minghao's idea.

The alpha of the south nodded, "We'll have more men on the border." "We will do the same too." The alpha of the north said.

Jihoon was staring out the window without saying anything. The drive was silence. And Minghao knew the young alpha was thinking about something. "You're okay, hyung?" he asked.


"You sure?"


Jihoon turned to look at Minghao. "Seungyeon said something about running away from the pack right? And they were after him. Y/n once told me that she had a dream that someone's taking her back to that place."

"Could it be they're on move for them?" Jihoon asked Minghao. He nodded, "I see why you are saying this but alpha, there could be other reason for it." Minghao said, he was trying to calm the worrying alpha.

Jihoon sighed, "I just want to go home and sleep." Minghao nodded, "We'll arrive in few minutes."

Minghao and Jihoon halt their steps abruptly. They were surprise to see the scene in front of them.

Minseo was brushing Y/n's hair. "So ponytail?" Minseo asked Y/n. "Messy bun." Y/n pouted. "Sure." Minseo nodded before she continued to brush Y/n's hair. Seungyeon was there, sitting on the couch while watching the two females.

"What am I watching now, alpha?" Minghao asked. "I don't know, beta. Slap me and tell me this is not a dream. Am I dreaming?" he asked the beta. "No, sire." Minghao answered back.

Y/n sensed Jihoon's presence. She looked at him with a wide smile, "Alpha, you're...back!"

Seungyeon quickly went on his feet and gave a bow to the alpha and he acknowledge it. The alpha and the beta walked closer to them. "What are you two doing?" Jihoon was obviously puzzle with the situation.

"Well...your mate here is asking her brother's help to tie her hair. And he was bad at it. Like really, really bad. I have to do it to prevent any more damage on Y/n's hair." Minseo explained.

"Minseo unnie good at it. See? cute...bun." Y/n showed her bun.

"H-Ha? Unnie?" Jihoon asked. "She's probably like this because it's almost her heat. Otherwise, she wouldn't call me that. Now take your mate back to her room. I saw she's building her 'nest' a moment ago."

Jihoon turned to Minghao, "I see you in my reading room tonight." "Will do alpha." The beta bowed at him. Jihoon walked up to Y/n but before that he turned to Seungyeon, "And Seungyeon, I need you to be there too."

Seungyeon nodded, "I will, alpha."

Jihoon turned back to Y/n, "Let's go, Y/n." He held his hand to her and she gladly took it. The other three watched as the couple walked up the stairs.

"Aren't they cute?" Minseo asked with a slight smiled. "Please, don't smile. I'm not used to it yet." Minghao shook his head. Minseo glared at him, "Then get used to it." she then turned back to the stairs even though Jihoon and Y/n were no longer there.

"Now I know why you really want her to stay here. She really brighten up our days." Minseo said. "Yes, she did. She always did. Even she was kept in the basement all the time, her smile and her positive energy make it feel less like basement." Seungyeon added. "I'm just glad she ended up being with alpha Jihoon."

"Right? And did you see the mark?" Minseo looked at Seungyeon and he nodded with a small smile.

"Uhm...hello? I'm still here?" Minghao broke their staring contest. Minseo hissed, "Go and find your mate. Then you'll know this feeling when having your mate so close to you." she then smiled back when she turned to Seungyeon.

He just chuckled.

Author's note: so if you're confused with their age. Currently Jihoon is 24. Let's just say Minseo is 22. Y/n, Seungyeon and Taehee are 20.  And...we're almost at the end of this book. So just hold on tight okay? We'll be there soon. I'll try my best to update

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