Chapter 3

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I felt a slight pain at my hind. Is someone pinching me? I let out a small whimper.

"You brought home an omega?! Are you in your right state of mind?!"

I heard a loud voice. Who's out there? I'm scared.

"I'm insane if I let an omega out there, alone. You know well that they are endangered group of wolf."

Omega? They're talking about me? Oh no!

"And I don't mind! This is not a shelter for an endangered species like that!"

At that loud voice, I opened my eyes at once and jumped off the bed. I looked around and I saw people, so many people. Most of them are woman but I sensed no danger from them. I then looked at the two males present in the room. The shorter male was holding onto the other's collar. Are they going to fight?

I went to my defense mode.

I looked this one guy. I recognized him. He's the one I saw at the river. And the other guy? He's something else...I sensed that aura. 

An alpha!

I let out another growl.

"Hey, it's me. You remember me right?" the taller guy took a closer step towards me which causing me to involuntarily stepped back. Don't blame me on that. I was just being cautious.

"Hey, don't be afraid. We're not going to hurt you. Look, they're here to fix your cuts." The man said. I looked at my hind where I felt a slight pain a moment ago. I took a sniff and I could smell ointment.

I let out a soft whimper. It stings. I mean the other cuts.

"That's right." The man stepped closer to me. "We're not hurting you."

I relax a bit and I let him came closer to me.

"Can you...shift back? We can treat you better then."

Shift back? To my human form? But this whole room...filled with people I don't know. And I don't have my clothes with me.

"What's wrong?" the man asked me. I wanted to shift but I couldn't.

I let out a whimper as I continued to eye the others, hoping that he would take the hint.

"Ah! I see!"

I watched as the man walked away towards the bed and snatched the blanket. I mentally let out a sigh in relief, grateful that he understood me.

"Here." The man nestled me carefully before he gently placed the blanket over my body. I love his scent. He makes me feel at ease.

"You can shift whenever you're ready." He smiled at me. And I love his smile too. He doesn't look like a threat to me. But I know I couldn't trust people that easily.

With much trouble, I shifted back into my human form under the blanket.

"She's pretty." "What a beauty."

I heard whispered around the room. Well, those compliment didn't work me at all. Not after I heard it each time before they did that to me.

The taller guy looked at the other females, "Can you help me fixing her cuts and everything. I need to talk with the alpha."

What? He's not going to leave me alone here right?! He can't leave me here! Please!

I went on my feet and hurriedly tugged on the hem of his clothe.

He turned to me. "What's wrong?" he asked me. I stared at him before I shook my head. He looked into my eyes and I can see that.

"You want me to stay?" finally! I heard the thing that I want him to say. I nodded eagerly. He smiled at me. "Sure, I'll stay."

"Minghao!" another loud voice boomed around the room. It was from the shorter male in the room.

I clutched tightly on the man's shirt, shaking in fear. But soon I felt a pair of hands softly wrapped around my body. He looked at the other man. "I'm sorry Alpha but I'll talk to you once I take care of everything here."

An alpha. Just like I thought so. I watched as the alpha left the room with a woman next to him.

"Now..." the man looked at me. "Let's get you clean okay?" he smiled at me.

And thus, they gave me a good bath. They helped me cleaned my hair cause I know my hair was in terrible condition. They even help me to scrub my back.

They tried to make a conversation with me but I couldn't say a thing to them. I was too scared. The last time I open my mouth to say something, I got lashed by a leather whip on my whole body. And since then, I'm too afraid to say anything without permission. I don't even remember how my voice sounded like.

The ladies are so kind towards me even though I didn't say anything.

"Miss, we prepared something for you to wear. If you can follow me." A lady came to me and told me. They help me out of the bath tub and gave a bathrobe for me to cover my body.

I followed them out from the bathroom and my eyes caught the same figure, sitting on the bed. He stood up, eyeing me from head to toe. To my surprise, it doesn't make me uncomfortable.

Usually, when males looked at me, even when I'm fully covered in clothes, they would always look at me with eyes full of lust. But not this guy. He's different. And I like that he's different.

"You look different." He said to me. I looked at my reflection from a mirror nearby and he was right. I do look different. I look...clean.

"I have them prepare something for you to wear. I hope it fits. Don't worry. These belongs to my sister." He pointed at the clothes on the bed. I gave him a bow and I hope he understands it.

"You're welcome." He smiled. Okay so he does understand my small gesture.

"Okay then. I'll leave for you to get dressed." He then looked at one of the ladies around me. "Call me once she's done." He reminded her and she nodded. I watched as he leave the room.

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