Chapter 10

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Eliza woke up, snuggled into Alexander's side.

Alexander couldn't sleep, he woke up very early in the morning, so he let Eliza sleep and waited for morning to come.

"My dearest Elizabeth, my everything, you mean the world to me my love. I watched you sleep so beautifully and elegantly for the early dawn hours. The moonlight, into the sunlight draping across your beautiful face. The utter beauty you are and the sheer amount of loving and exquisite kindness you possess radiates from you in such an extraordinary way. Good morning, my love, my everything, my world" Alex said as soon as she opened her eyes the tiniest bit.

"Yooo," Eliza groggily whispered.

Alex giggled and kissed her head.

"that was amazing, but how long have you been awake? And what?"

"I love you Betsy. I couldn't sleep but I didn't want to wake you so I wrote a short good morning message to you. There are 11 more drafts and this one is the shortest. I woke up around 4:00 am"

"My dearest, Alexander, you are insane, baby, and I love you too." Eliza said groggily

"Ok! Time to get up, Betsy!" He said getting out of bed

"Lex I don't wanna..." Eliza said in a whiny tone

"Ok fine," Alexander lifted her out of bed to the kitchen

", and the baby, want to sleep so just let us"

"Ok,fine, but you can sleep on the couch so you're closer"

"Alright my dear" he put her down on the couch in the living room, which was right next to the kitchen

"Betsy, I love you so much," Alexander said walking to the kitchen.

Eliza turns on the tv to the news. And tossed the remote to the other side of the couch lazily. The headline read:

Hurricane coming inland threatening to cause landslides and flood buildings

Eliza shot up and looked for the remote.

"Now, this may be worse case scenario but there is a real possibility that this will happen, stay inside, get your flashlights and stay safe"

Alexander walked into the living room and looked at Eliza. "What's that about?"

Eliza felt around for the remote "n-nothing love!" She said, trying to be cheerful.

He looked at the tv "E-Eliza..."

"It's nothing Alexander-"

"E-Elizabeth" He said loudly "... let me hold you... please." Eliza got up and walked over to him and hugged her arms around his larger frame. He immediately hugged back really tight.

"Alexander, it'll be ok darling,"

"Betsy, I-I'm really..." he trailed off

"It's ok Alex,"

"Betsy I'm really scared"

"I know, I know. You won't die, you'll be just fine" Eliza comforted as he backed up towards the wall, still hugging Eliza tight. He sat down.

"No, I'm not scared to die, I'm scared for you, for our baby, I can't imagine a world without you," he pulled Eliza down to sit in his lap "I couldn't watch the people I love most die again" his voice cracked at the end.

Eliza curled up in his lap. "Alex, nothing is going to happen"

"You don't know that,"

"Alexander, I promise you I'll be fine, we'll be fine, all of us"

"I just don't wanna lose you,"

"Alex, that's worse case scenario and, it's probably not even going to flood around here, I promise,"

"Will you sit with me, please,"

"For as long as you need," she pulled alex into a kiss, "Well be ok my love"

Eliza ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you my dear,"

"Shh, I know, I love you too, take a deep breath."

They sat until Alex was calm. He ran his hands through her hair, rubbed her stomach and held Eliza tight, she kissed him softly and whispered calming words into his ear, listening to his heartbeat until she knew he was calm. He eventually fell asleep, leaving Eliza awake this time.

••The next day••


Thunder clapped violently as lightning caused the sky to illuminate in a flash. The rumbling in the sky woke Eliza up as she rolled over only to be met with emptiness.


She shot up and looked around the dark room, "Alexander?" She said softly and sweetly. "Shit! Alexander!" She called a little louder. "God damn-it" she whispers, grabbing her phone and turning on the flashlight. She pointed it around the room before getting up.

Thunder boomed through the air. Eliza heard whimpering coming from the other side of the room. "Alexander," she whispered sweetly, walking over to the other side of the bed. Eliza found Alexander sitting in a ball pushed up against the bed, with his head on his knees.

"Lex," he looked up slightly, "hi, my love" thunder clapped again and he curled tighter into his ball. "Alexander, can I sit with you?" She turned on his reading light.

He nodded and she sat down. Alex immediately grabbed Eliza in his arms. "B-betsy"

"Hi, baby. Hello, my love. She hugged him tight. Lightning flashed throughout the sky.

"Are..." he flinched at the thunder "y-you ok?"

"Of course. I'm sorry I didn't wake up, you should've woke me, love"

"I-I didn't want... t-to"

"Alex, you could never bother me"

They fell into a silence as Alexander started shaking again.

"B-Betsy, don't stop talking... please. C-can you t-talk to... me"

"Of course, shhh"


"it's ok baby. I love you"

"you too" he whispered

"Everything will be ok my love, everything will be fine. I love you so much baby." Alex hummed into her neck where he had buried his face.

"Everything will be fi-" the power went out leaving them in the dark as the thunder boomed louder than Eliza had ever heard before. Alex whimpered and started to cry softly. Lightning illuminated the sky for longer than it seems it should've. "Alexander, it's ok. You'll be ok darling. I'll be fine. The baby will be perfectly ok, my love."

"Thank you, Betsy," he whispered.

"No problem, lex" she continued to comfort him as the storm passed through, Eliza knows just how to calm him down.


Alexander sat with his back against the bed and his toes touching the wall. Eliza was curled up in his lap. The storm had passed and the sun was rising. In the earlier morning hours the young couple sat peacefully, and as soon as the storm died down Eliza had fallen asleep. Alex stared at her, memorizing every curve on her body and every feature on her face. He could never be more grateful for anything than he was for her.  

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