🔥Crazed City🔥

Start from the beginning

"Today, I don't want to..." I looked at dad, giving him a side hug, then we started to walk towards the platform. I couldn't help but smile from the look on Alfred's face. He's trying to make dad feel better. And usually, it always works.

"Well I did bloody tell you" Dad gave a little laugh. I grinned. Here we go.

"I suppose you're going to lock me up as well. As you're accomplice." I chuckled slightly. Dad would be so lost without Alfred. He's been there for him through thick and thin. And would never leave.

"Accomplice? I'm gonna tell them the whole thing was you're idea." I playfully smacked dads arm with a laugh.

"Dad!" He grinned down at me.

Harvey was doing the press conference today, so I was put on that to cover it also. Camera flashes kept going off, people chattering away. It is crazy. I stood by dad, listening.

"Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for coming. I've called this press conference for two reasons. Firstly to ensure the citizens of Gotham that everything that can be done over the Joker killings is being done." Everyone started talking at once, shaking their heads. I couldn't even think straight. So many things have happened. So many lives lost. When will it end? When Jack gets what he wants?

"Secondly, because the Batman is offered to turn himself in. But first, let's consider the situation. Should we give into this terrorist demands? Do we really think that he's gonna..." I don't think so. But Joker is going to blow up this city if we don't do something.

"You'd rather protect an outlaw vigilantly, than the lives of citizens?" I looked behind me to see this woman, a angry look on her face. Everyone was. But that's no reason to turn Batman in.

"Batman is an outlaw. But that's not why we are demanding he turn himself in, we're doing it because we're scared. We've been happy to let the Batman clean up our streets for us until now." Until now? He's done a lot for this city! He's saved a lot of people. But he can't do everything at once. He's one man.

"Things are worse than ever!" This is just insane. And Harvey made a valid point. Everyone was fine before, until all this chaos started. This shows you how fast people will turn on you.

"Yes they are. But the night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming. One day, the Batman will have to answer for the laws he's broken. But to us, not to this mad man." I looked up at dad, seeing the intense look on his face. Then back to the crowd. These people are afraid of the unknown. And so they're willing to give up on Batman just because of that reason. What has this world come to?

"No more dead cops!!" Everyone yelled in agreement and clapped. I simply shook my head. This can't be happening.

"He should turn himself in." This isn't going as I hoped. But nothing does in Gotham. What can I do?

"So be it. Take the Batman into custody." The whole crowd started to mummer. I didn't know what to do. My eyes went wide and all I could do was stand there in shock.

"I'm the Batman." I whipped my head around upon hearing Harvey. What is he doing?!? I looked up at dad to see a shocked look on his face. He had no idea what to say. A couple of cops came up to the podium, handcuffing Harvey. I just stood there in shock.

A few minutes later, my phone started to ring. It was Rachel. Luckily I heard it in all this mess. I gave my dad a quick hug, then stepped outside.

"Hey." I already had myself braces for the wrath of Rachel. I knew she was going to be upset just from her huffing in the background.

"What is Bruce thinking?! Letting Harvey do this?" I shook my head, sighing. I wish I knew! But I can't read his mind. But if I know my dad, I know he'll make it right. I know he will.

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