New Job

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Karin's POV

I woke up and changed into some comfortable clothes. I took all my stuff out the draws and closet and put it on the bed.

Hinata: I'm outside

Me: You literally have a key just come in

Hinata: I forgot

"Karin help me get these boxes out the car!", Hinata yelled from the door and I went to help her. "I'll pack up your clothes you should pack up everything else.", Hinata said. "Okay.", I said. I packed my mug, bowls, and plates. I took my towels and blankets and put in the box. I took mostly everything from the kitchen considering I bought most of it. When I finish in the kitchen, living room, storage closet, and bathroom I went into my room to see Hinata packing up my shoes. "I got all your clothes pack just have to finish with the shoes.", She said. "I'll help.", I said and when we finished we placed all the boxes by the door. "Do you think it'll fit in both cars?", She asked. "I guess we'll see.", I said. We managed to fix all the boxes and in both cars and then I told her to follow me to my apartment. When we got there I unlocked the door and Suigetsu was in the lobby serving people breakfast. Hinata came up like the box. "I'm guessing that's Suigetsu.", Hinata said. "Huh?", I asked. "You were staring but here take this box. I'll stand out here and hand you the boxes.", She said and I nodded taking the box.

I made my way to the elevator when Suigetsu came up. "Hey Karin.", He said taking the box from me. "Hey Suigetsu and I can carry the box.", I said. "I know but I'll help you anyway.", He said. "Okay lemme go get another box.", I said going back to Hinata and grabbing one. After we got all the boxes in the apartment we all stood in there and Hinata turned to Suigetsu. "Are you gonna help her unpack too?", Hinata said. "Sure.", Suigetsu said. "Whats your motive Landlords don't usually help their renters move in.", Hinata said and I rolled my eyes. "Guess I'm different.", Suigetsu said. "Or you feelings towards Karin are different from your other renters.", Hinata said. "If you don't want my help you could just say that.", He said. "Don't mind her. I really appreciate all your help.", I said and he nodded. "Anytime.", He said going to open a box. I was putting stuff away in the kitchen when Suigetsu came in. "Since you're short I'm sure you need help.", He said and I rolled my eyes. "You're barely taller me.", I said. "I'm still taller though.", He said leaning against the counter. I tried to put something on the top self in the cabinet and I was struggling though I didn't want to show it. "Here.", He said he brushing his hand against mine and putting the item on the shelf. His hand was warm. "Thanks I guess.", I said. "I guess? Maybe you just shouldn't put anything on the top shelf.", He said. "Shut up.", I said going to to unpack another box.

      We sat down on the couch when were done. "Finally.", Hinata said. "It only took three hours?", I said rolling my eyes. "I actually have a meeting I'm late for so I have to go. Bye Karin and um what's your name again?", He asked Hinata. "Hinata.", She said and he nodded then left. I checked my phone and saw I had gotten a reply from one job. "I got a response from a job I applied for.", I said. "Where?", Hinata asked. "Uchiha Enterprises.", I said excitedly. "Oh.", Hinata said. "What? What's wrong?", I asked. "Nothing it's just that they're my biggest competitor we not have the same business but they're just as if not more popular.", Hinata said. "Oh well I applied to be the assistant on the CEO.", I said and she looked at me empathizing expression. "He's a complete asshole. He's also rumored to be a very handsome man but that's not how I see it. I mean maybe he's your type Boss usually sleep with their assistants. Though it's been stated he's asexual and he's not interested in dating anyone ever.", Hinata said. "For you to not like him you sure now a lot about him.", I said. "He's competition.", Hinata said. "Well I have an interview tomorrow morning.", I said.

     "So about the landlord.", Hinata said. "No. To whatever your asking no.", I said. "Fine. So are staying here or going back to the house?", Hinata asked. "I don't have a bed so I have to go do that then I'll go home.", I said. "Okay we'll take my car to get your bed. We should hangout and look around the city a great way to forget about our problems.", Hinata said. "Okay let's go.", I said. When we got to the store we looked around. "What kind of bed do you want?", Hinata asked. "I sturdy one I guess.", I said shrugging. "Why you don't want your neighbors to hear your future late night visits with Suigetsu?", Hinata asked. "Shut up. I want this one it's perfect.", I said and Hinata smiled. "This seems like the type you'd buy too.", She said.

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