She doesn't seem affected by the situation, but also doesn't say a single word during the entire journey. Her eyes never meet mine and her hands never move from their positions on my body.

We land on Montesere's border before the others and I take my chance to speak before they arrive.

"Are you sure you want to be here?"

"I'm fine. And even if I wasn't, it's a bit late now." She leans against a large oak tree, the shadows of it's towering branches hides her dark figure.

"Do they know?"

"Rhys and Feyre do, I figured they should know." So she told me over any others in the court...

The distance hides the details of her face- her figure. Blending perfectly into the shadows around her. Whether her eyes are on me or not, I stare into the shadows, at the outline of a female.

"You do look beautiful in that dress." She mutters and emerges from the darkness, like a shadow herself. She chose an equally black suit and boots. Her hair slicked back with a few pieces falling over her face, dark smudges outline her eyes, making them even more dark and intriguing.

I hadn't dared look too close earlier– hadn't noticed the breathtaking female until now.

"I really like it." My voice appears slightly rasping but she doesn't seem to notice.

"So I chose well then?"

"You-" She inclines her head, still taking steady steps toward me. The wings of Illyrians form in the distance over the cliff edge.

"Well, thank you. You look," hot, "nice." A smile creeps over her face and my stomach drops- did I say that out loud.

No you didn't. Her familiar lilting voice echos around my own mind and I flinch at the unfamiliar experience of her words tickling the inside of my mind, my soul.

"What was that?"

"It's the bond. Why didn't you tell me you feel it too?" I blush after the feeling of her dark presence in my mind and try my best to gather myself before responding.

"I- We weren't talking- I was at the camp." She stops, inches from my face.

A gentle tug at my heart or my soul– or possibly both– causes me to flinch. Butterflies dance around my gut and the beats of my heart increase. The feeling makes me want to close the gap between us, as if the pull was coming from Renae's direction.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

"Stop!" I jump away from her and before she can re-close the gap, the Illyrians land along the boarder.

I don't know what she thinks she's doing, but messing with the very thing that makes my head pound and heart ache isn't exactly fun for me. I've been trying to avoid those feelings all week, how come she has the power to ruin all of that. Cauldron, damn you.

"What did we miss?" Cassian saunters over to the two of us, completely unaware of what just happened. Once again, we winnow to the overly-large castle at the centre of Montesere's city. The outside altogether looks more expensive than the entirety of the House of Wind.

I let Ren winnow me, only to avoid the suspicion of the others. Her hand trembles as she snakes it around my own and I know the very thoughts that are going through her mind. I have no clue what I'd do if I were to return to Hybern– I don't believe I'd go in the first place.

As we stand before the door large enough to fit three lengthy Illyrians on top of one another and the span of their wings times five, Rhys provides us with a winding speak about their ancestors and how important this gathering is that no scenes must be caused. We are to respect everyone in their home, from the servants holding trays of food to the King and Queen holding crowns on their heads.

We all promise to be on our best behaviours and the doors struggle to open before us. Despite the promise to be respectful, we still strut into the room as if we all own the very land they're all standing on, the food on their plates and the air they're breathing.


A tradition of the event is both the Night and Montesere introduce every member they've invited- nobody knows why considering they won't even remember all the names and titles and certainly won't bother speaking to them throughout the night.

Panic is rising in my gut with every second ticking closer to meeting my parents for the first time in decades.

The entire event is people separated into different corners of a large room, neither Montesere or the Night wanting to interact with one another.

Tables run the length of the back wall, piled high with treats which are organised into sweet and savoury. The most interaction we have with Montesere is when we take glasses of their own-made wine from the trays held by servants.

Rhys and Feyre must spend the entire night beside the King and Queen, out of respect, but they rarely spoke at the last one I attended- when I stood proudly beside my parents.

This is the second event I've attended and so far I prefer being on the Night's side- Montesere is a land full of snooty rich people who only look down their nose to pity others below them. I'm afraid to say that compared to them, we are as small as rats.

"How you feeling?" Ali whispers in my ear and the hairs along my arms involuntarily stick up.

"Just avoiding my parents completely. They haven't noticed that I'm actually here yet and I'm not looking forward to when they do."

"When are we to introduce ourselves?"

"They'll call us over once they've finished talking about their success and riches and no doubt the battle." She nods slowly and stares at the four of them. Each smiling politely but behind the pearly teeth are rude insults toward my High Lord and Lady- I know my parents.

"What is the point of this, if nobody enjoys the other's company?"

"Tradition." We both say in unison and she rolls her eyes.

We stand there a moment longer in silence. I notice Cassian and Azriel flanking their High Lord and Lady, as if either of my parents or their soldiers had a chance against them. Nesta stands far from any crowds, her tense body ready to lunge in front of Elain's.

"I'm sorry about earlier." I mutter, lowering my voice enough so nobody would hear. Using the bond to speak would be easier, but her reaction last time wasn't exactly ideal.

"It's fine- just surprised me is all." Her hands are clenched by her side and I pray it isn't me that is making her so uncomfortable.

I don't get to ask about her tense figure as Rhys signals each of us to join their conversation. My mind blanking- feet frozen in place.

"Ren- you don't have to do this." Ali stands in front of me but my eyes don't move from their fixed position above her head, at my parents who are already talking with Nesta and Elain.

"Yes I do."

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