Chapter Seven

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You and the countries ran over to where Finland screamed. When you got there, you were met with a huge bright light. "What the fucking fuck???" Poland cursed. "Why is there such a bright light here? I can't see anything behind it!" Belarus exclaimed. You got closer to it. The closer you got, the more that you felt like you were being sucked in.

All of a sudden, you heard running from behind you and the countries. You all looked behind you guys and saw a huge dark figure running towards you all. "COME ON! GO INTO THE LIGHT!" A voice you had never heard before yelled. With that, you and the countries went into the bright light that's in front of you all. 

You grunted as you got up from the hard floor. You look around you to see the countries all around you. You stand up slowly and see Finland lying down near you six. "Finland!" You exclaim. Finland had a huge scar on his arm. 'Huh.' You thought as you inspected the scar.

You heard the other countries getting up. You shook Finland as hard as you could until Finland held your arm and made you stop. "Well at least your still alive." You said. "Yea yea...." Finland grumbled. "Welcome to the 15th floor of this hotel!" Oh man it's that dude who told you about stuff when y'all first got into this hell hole.

"Well at least we're at the 15th floor now. I think we were on like the 25-35th floor earlier." North said. "Yea your right." JE said. "Meh. This is good exercise not gonna lie." Belarus said, "Except when I was gasping for air.." "Yep." You said, "Anyways, let's get going to the first floor." Finland got up, "Hey look. A flashlight!" "Why is there a fricking flashlight right here?" Poland asked. "I don't know. Let's  take it just in case." Finland replied and picked the flashlight up.

All of a sudden, water started to drip down from the ceiling. "Oh shit." NK said. "The what now." You muttered. The floor was starting to flood with water. The water had already reached your ankle. "Fuck why." Belarus cursed. "Let's get moving!" JE said as he started to run towards the stairs that lead down, "And guess what, the water doesn't seem to go downstairs." Right after JE said that, the water had already reached your hip. 

"How is this water rising so fast?!" You exclaim and started running towards the stairs that lead down. The water started to drift you away from the stairs. "Y/N! Hold my hand!" NK told you and you held onto his hand. North Korea held onto one of the room doors. "Oh shit-" Belarus said as he drifted near you and North. You held onto Belarus's hand. The water started to rise even higher and higher.

The water rose until your chin. "Guys! I see something down there!" Finland yelled. "Ah yes, if someone can touch it, the water will go down." The voice said. "Okay. Belarus. Go." JE told Belarus. Belarus nodded. And on the count of three, he went under the water. Oh yea did Cheez ever mention that Belarus can't see underwater? Yep, he can breathe underwater but not see, oof.

Belarus couldn't find that thing that was underwater. "Swim left! Now straight! You're drifting, so now you need to swim right!" Poland instructed the Belarusian male. Suddenly, a huge rock fell from the ceiling, right onto Belarus's left leg. "How the fuck did a fucking huge rock fall through the ceiling." JE cursed. "Belarus! Be careful!" You yelled. "Bela! You're so close to it! C'mon you can do it!" NK yelled. The water was very close to covering your nose.

Belarus tried to reach it, but due to him not being able to see underwater, he couldn't find it. The water rose closer and closer to your nose. "Belarus! Come on! You can do it dude!" Poland exclaimed. 

The water had started to rise even faster now. 

What's gonna happen now? Will Belarus be able to touch the thing in the water to help you guys? Idk.

This chapter is short. 699 words.

Up In The 40 Floored Hotel [Countryhumans x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now