Chapter Six (Part Two)

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Most readers chose not to use the Ouija board.

(Can I write shorter chapters? That would be so much easier for me and more chapters will come ngl-)

"No thanks. We aren't going to use it." You say. "Thank god." Belarus said. "I thought you said you don't believe in god." Finland said. "Uh. Nevermind let's just get to the first floor." Belarus said. Poland and JE chuckled while you giggle. "C'mon. Let's go." NK said and walked down the hall to the stairs. You and the others followed the Korean male.

".....I sense something." Finland says. "What do you sense? Tell us, Nordic dog." NK asks Finland. "Why are you calling me a Nordic dog, felloe grumpy Korean bomb?" Finland asks. "Don't call me that. I call you a Nordic dog cause well, your Nordic, plus, you can sense things kind of like a dog." NK replies. "Sure sure, asshole." Finland says. "Hey hey, calm your asses. Let's continue walking." Belarus says. 

"Hey...where did JE and Bela go?" You ask as you notice that Poland and JE are missing. "I have no idea." NK says. All of a sudden, Finland falls on the floor. Blood bleeding from his eyes, mouth and ears. "HOLY FUCK!" NK exclaims. "I'm h-having t-trouble to b-breathe..." Belarus says as he gasps for air. "What why?" You ask Belarus. "I h-have hemophobia..." Belarus replies, "P-phobia of b-blood..."

"But earlier Y/N was bleeding but you weren't like that!" NK said as he tried to help the poor Finnish male. "Wait. Y/N was bleeding earlier...?" Belarus asked. "Yea...I was." You told Bela. "W-where?" Belarus asks as he still tries to gasp for air. "In the room we popped up in." You replied. North was still trying to figure out how to help Finland. "I didn't pop up there....I popped up upstairs..." Belarus said. 

The lights then turned off. And a demonic scream was heard. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Finland started screaming like hell. "Finland?!" Belarus yelled. The lights turned on. Finland was gone. "The fuck." North Korea said. "Why does this keep fucking h-happening?!" Belarus exclaims. 

All of a sudden you blacked out. You were met with your reflection in a mirror. You were surrounded by a void of darkness. This place isn't like the place you were when you died. You looked at the mirror. Your reflection started moving on it's on. It seems to be talking. You see a glimpse of NK and Belarus. Whenever you were a bout to blink, you would always see a demonic face on your reflection. Creeped you out.

It had been a few minutes, you were still facing the mirror. You couldn't seem to move. You only faced the mirror. But you suddenly felt dizzy.

You open your eyes to see that you were back with NK and Belarus. "Y/N, what should we do?" NK asked. "What happened?" You said. But they didn't seem to hear your question...Belarus replied with a 'Great idea, Y/N!' "Guys. What happened?" You asked again. This time, they heard you. "What do you mean? Poland and JE are right there. We need to go help them!" NK said as he rushed over to JE and Poland. 

"But just now I was in a different place!" You said. "I was too." You hear Belarus reply. "Wait you were?" You asked the Belarusian male. "Wait you can hear me now? I have been telling you guys so many times! But you guys seemed to not have heard me!" Belarus replies. "Wait what." You asked. "Guys! JE and Poland had passed out. We need to stay here to make sure they'll be fine!" NK yelled. "K!" Belarus replied to the Korean male. You nodded.

"So, Bela. Did you see a mirror?" You asked Belarus. Belarus replied with a nod, "I heard something tell me that there was something controlling our body.." Belarus said. "Control what now?" North asked. "You can hear us now?" You asked. "What do you mean by something controlling your body?" NK asked, "And what do you mean by I can hear you both now?" "You couldn't hear us earlier." Belarus told NK.

After explaining for a bit, NK finally understood. "K." NK said. JE grunted along with Poland. "What happened?" JE asked. "Into simplification, you both passed out for some reason I have no idea about." You answered. "Okay..?" Poland replied. 


"Holy shit! That's Finland's voice!" NK exclaimed. 

What could had happened this time?

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