Chapter Two

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"What the fu-" Finland was cut off by getting hit with a rock. "Finland? You okay?" You bent down and asked. "Yea, I am fine." Finland replied. "Here's the rock." Poland said. "What for?" Finland asked. "Well I have no idea. Protection? I guess." Poland replied. "Let's go find North now." JE said. "Yep let's go and get him and then get outta this place." Belarus said.

"clomp clomp clomp" (Is this how footsteps sound like-)

"Who's that?" You asked. "It sounds like it's coming from downstairs." Poland says. "Let's go downstairs." Finland says. You all walk down the stairs. "See anyone?" JE asks. "Nope. Not a single person in sight." Poland replies. "Hey. There's a little piece of metal here. It doesn't seem to belong anywhere here." Belarus says as he slowly picks up the little piece of metal he found.

"p̴u̸t̸ ̷i̴t̶ ̸d̵o̷w̶n̸"

"Who said that?" Finland asked. The lights suddenly flickered and turned off. "AAAAAA!!!!" 'Wait! That's Poland's voice!' You thought. As soon as you thought that, the lights turned back on. You look around. Poland was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Poland?!" You scream in terror. "Why the fuck does this keep on fucking happening?!" JE curses loudly. "Guys, what's this?" Belarus asked as he pointed to something. "That's an Ouija board. It wasn't here before..." Finland said and picked the board up.

"If I remember correctly, Ouija boards are used to make contact with spirits." JE said. You nodded. "Maybe there's a spirit here? We can use the Ouija board to contact the spirit." Belarus suggested. "But it might be dangerous. I heard that people who used the Ouija board get badly hurt sometimes." You say. "We should keep it first just in case. Let's continue looking for North Korea and Poland." Finland said.

"Yeah. Let's continue." JE said, "Oh look! A flashlight. We can use it just in case the lights turn off again." "Yes. So that we can see what happens." You say. The lights flicker. "Oh hell no." Belarus says. "Well fuck us again." Finland curses. The light stop flickering. "Hmmm....the lights didn't turn off this time." You mumble. "This door is locked. I can't open it no matter how hard I try." Belarus says as he struggles to open a door to one of the rooms on the floor.

Belarus lets go and the door magically opens. "What in the world..? How..?" Belarus questions. "Hmmm...Did you push or pull?" You asked the Belarusian male. "I pushed." Belarus replied. "Well the door needed to be pulled so..." You say. "I am a dumbass." Belarus said. "Yeaaaa you are a dumbass." JE told Belarus. Belarus puffed his cheeks in anger. "Now you look like a pufferfish that is green and red." Finland says to Belarus. JE laughs. "That's it. I hate you all, well except Y/N." Belarus says and hugs you, "Y/N. I love you. Thanks for being such a great friend." Belarus says as he hugs you. "Now get down on one knee and propose." Finland told Belarus. "Excuse me but what the fuc-" Belarus gets cut off by a loud growl.

"Now, what in the earth was that?!" JE changes from laughing to a really really scared face. Belarus straight up just let go of you and jumped, with you now carrying him. (Seriously.) "Wow. You are very light." You said with a shaking voice. "Haha....uh....Don't let go of me." Belarus told you. You nodded. The lights start to flicker. 'Not again..' You thought. The light turn off. JE turns on the flashlight while walking closer to you and Belarus. "Finland?" JE calls out. "Right here." Finland says and walks to you three.


JE shines his light to where the growl came from. There's nothing there. "That's it. I hate every single thing about this hotel." Belarus says. "Yea me too, Bela." You say. You feel something rub your leg. You look behind you but nothing's there. 'What the fish.' You thought. "Why uh. Anyways. Yo Finland, see anything? You have night vision." JE says. No reply. "Fin?" You ask. Belarus starts to hold onto you tighter. "Nah. I see nothing peculiar." Finland finally replies. "Oh thank god. I was gonna piss myself for a second." Belarus says. 


"That's Poland's voice!" You exclaim. "It's coming from downstairs!" Finland says. Belarus lets go of you and you all start running to the stairs that go downstairs. "Poland! We're coming!" JE screams as loud as he could. You all run downstairs and see that the light turned on in the middle of the hallway, where a figure can be seen sitting on a chair. "Poland!" You exclaim. "Y/N!" Poland screams. You ran over to Poland. 

The more you ran, the more your eyesight got blurrier. It got so blurry that you couldn't see anything. All of a sudden, your eyesight got better, but Poland was gone. "Poland?" You questioned. You turned around and saw that Belarus was sitting in a corner, hugging himself and about to start crying. 

"Belarus?" You asked. Belarus slowly raised his hand shakily and pointed behind you. You turned around and saw a huge tall figure right behind you. You got so scared that you couldn't talk or move. You started shaking. The black figure reached out his hand to you. The black figure was about to grab you when an Ouija board flew towards it. The dark figure disappeared and the lights turned back on. You look behind you and saw that Belarus was standing. He was the one that threw the Ouija board.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Belarus asked you as he ran up to you. "Yea. I guess I am okay..." You mumble. "Don't worry. We'll find them." Belarus said and hugged you. You hugged back, "I hope we will." 

"Hey. Can you both get up now? Why are you both hugging on the floor?" You and Belarus look behind you both. "North...?" You ask. "Yea it's me. What's wrong?" North asked. "You being here is wrong! How in the mother of Russia did ya get here?!" Belarus asked. "What do you mean? I woke up here. Over there. In that room." North said while pointing to a room. The room's door was open. "Didn't you get like, captured or something?" You asked the Korean male. "What do you mean? I went ran down a few floors when the light went out. I ran inside a room but got knocked out." North explained. "Are you sure? We heard you scream for help earlier.." Belarus said. "Yep I am totally sure. Trust me." North said.

What will you do?

[Trust North Korea]

[Doubt North Korea]

Your choices will have consequences.

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