Chapter Three

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Most readers chose to trust North Korea.

The consequences have started.


"Fine. I trust you." You told North. North nodded. You then looked at Belarus and whispered to him, "We need to keep an eye on him. I don't fully trust him." "Kay. I also don't really trust him either." Belarus replies. You felt someone pat your shoulder. "Hey, we'll find them. No worries." North Korea told you. "You nodded. "Anyways, let's find them." NK said and picked up a flashlight. "That's JE's flashlight!" Belarus exclaims, "I didn't see this earlier. Where did this come from?" "Wait, what's the Ouija board doing right on my lap?" You say as you touch the Ouija board.

"Why are all of these things just appearing in random places?" Belarus asks. "I have no idea.." You say. "Come on." North says and starts walking along the hall of the current floor you all are on. "He's acting sus." Belarus whispers to you while he gets up and starts walking toward the Korean male. "Yes. Very sus." You whisper back to him. "What are you guys whispering about?" North asks you both as he turns around. "Oh nothing." You tell North. "Kay." North Korea replies and continues walking, followed by you and Belarus. 

"How did he even hear us? We are literally about 9 feet away!" Belarus whispers to you. "Yea, how?" You whisper back. "He's a sussy imposter." Belarus says, "I'm only joking haha." "Hahah" You giggle. "Yo North! Where are ya?" Belarus yells as North seems to have disappeared. "Where did he go?" You asked. "I have no idea.." Belarus replies.


"Where is this dude?!" Belarus exclaims. You shrug. 'Where did NK go?' You thought as you scratched your head. The lights flickered and the stopped. The lights are now on. "Bela, now it will be easier to find NK!" You exclaim. No reply. "Bela?" You look over to where Belarus was. 

"W-what...?!" You exclaim in terror. Belarus's throat was slit open. He was left dead on the floor. You tremble is fear. You felt like you wanted to puke. Blood was splattered everywhere. "B-Belarus..." You stutter. You hear something drop on the ground. Something made out of metal. You knew that it was a knife, you dropped knives too many times when you were cooking, luckily no one got hurt. 

You ran as fast as you could, running down the stairs to the level below. Your legs were about to give way. You heard running from behind you. You ran over to the next flight of stairs. When you got near the stairs however, the stairs were all gone. Now you were stuck on the current floor you were on. 

"clomp clomp clomp"

The person behind you is getting closer and closer....

You turned around, but was met with no one in sight...

"H-hello..?!" You ask. You were very scared. "Fear is what feed them." You hear a soft voice say. the voice made you feel calm for some reason, the voice sounded just like Belarus. "Bela..?" You ask, "Is that you?" There was no reply given. You felt scared again, the calm feeling had left. You felt like someone was watching you, even though the lights were all on, no one could be seen. "Bela...?" You softly say. You wanted someone to be with you right now. You sat down, back facing the wall and tears started to run down your cheecks.


Something dropped on the floor. It wasn't anything metal. You turned around, you saw the flashlight. The one JE had and North also used. You picked it up. There was a note attached to it. "huh..?" You say. You tore off the note and read it. The words on the note were: 'I'm here. You just can't see me. Don't forget that I'm always here with you.' 

When you finished reading the note, you felt someone pat your back, as if they were comforting you. No one was here. Maybe you just couldn't see them? Who wrote the note anyway? "Belarus?" You asked. You felt the person who pat your back write 'yes' on you back. "Bela!" You exclaim and turned around even though you won't be able to see him.

And of course, you were met with the wall, but you know that Belarus in right in front of you. All of a sudden, the lights flickered. you picked up the flashlight and turned it on. The lights all turned off. You looked around, feeling calm because of Belarus's spirit. You hear someone run down the hall past you. "Hello?" You asked and turned the flashlight towards the noise. You found some footprints. "Who's footprints are these?" You ask yourself.

The lights turn on and you see a note next to you. You pick the note up and read it. It wrote: 'That's not me! Don't trust it! It's lying!' "What..?" You say softly. The lights turn on and you see, the one and only, North Korea. "North?!" You exclaim. He was covered in blood. You backed up against a wall. North was getting even more closer to you. "N-North, what a-are you doing?!" You exclaim in terror. 

"I'm not him." North said, the voice sounded deeper though, "I'm not him at all! I killed him earlier. It was fun to see such a strong and brave person tremble so much!" "W-who are you?!" You ask. The lights flicker. After the lights stopped flickering, the person in front of you was gone. 'Who was that...' You thought.

You spent a few more minutes against the wall before you started to move. You walked around, still trembling. You still kept the two notes you found. You held the flashlight in your hand just in case. All you need to do now is to be brave and find the rest of your friends who are alive, right? Are they doing good? Are they ok? What if they're badly hurt? These thoughts were all in your head.

'I need to focus and stop overthinking. The rest of them are fine, they're okay.' You thought. You sighed, this was going to be a long adventure...

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